Forced Carbonation Question

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Okay guys I have a question, I just yesterday tried to force carbonate my first Keg of beer. Now I followed the Ross method but I had some dramas, after setting the keg up and rocking it for a minute I closed the regulator off and it didn't drop at all I also noticed beer in my gas line :eek:. I tried a couple of different things and nothing changed at all regulator pressure never dropped at all. Then I start wondering that I have super over carbed my beer so figured it was best to stop and leave it at a serving pressure. I checked it today about 16 hours after charging the keg but all I got was foam. Now I have tried to pour about 6 glasses out but all I am getting is head, with about 3cm of beer at the bottom that doesn't look all that bubbly. Any suggestions from the brewing community out there any comments would be appreciated.
It would appear that you have over done it.

One way to fix this is to purge what gas is in it. Then shake the shit out of it. Let it settle then purge again. If you don't let it settle when you try to purge it will be like opening a shaken up can of coke and explode everywhere.

You can repeat a few times and then let it settle for a few hours before trying again to see if you need to purge more or if it is at a level you can live with.

In the meantime pour into a jug and let the head drop and keep drinking.

Sounds like it is over carbonated. Best thing to do it let the excess pressure out of it by flicking the pressure release valve, keep doing this every few hours over a few days till the carbonation settles down to the level needed. (do this without any gas connected...and if you let it warm up it will be more effective as the warm temp will allow the CO2 out of solution easier)

Make sure next time you force carbonate it you don't do it for too long ...a minute might sounds like not alot but from memory about 50 seconds is enough...yes that 15% less!!!! makes a huge difference!! and make sure your reg is set at the right pressure!!! one minute at say 30psi will make a big difference than one minute at 40 psi etc (random numbers used there).

Beer in gas line is bad...indicates too much CO2...make sure you install a non-return valve to protect your reg.

Hope this helps, Pok
also you have to turn the tap off at the gas bottle not the regulator well at least I thought so and thats what I do. Yes a non return valve is a must with force carbing
My slight variation of Ross' is gas to beer out-turn reg to 30psi till no more bubbling-turn off gas at bottle-rock keg til reg drops to zero-repeat step 1 then leave til required-release press valve-conect at serv pressure,as others have said fit a nonreturn valve in your gas line [ regs dont like beer :( ]
Okay guys I have a question, I just yesterday tried to force carbonate my first Keg of beer. Now I followed the Ross method but I had some dramas, after setting the keg up and rocking it for a minute I closed the regulator off and it didn't drop at all I also noticed beer in my gas line :eek: . I tried a couple of different things and nothing changed at all regulator pressure never dropped at all. Then I start wondering that I have super over carbed my beer so figured it was best to stop and leave it at a serving pressure. I checked it today about 16 hours after charging the keg but all I got was foam. Now I have tried to pour about 6 glasses out but all I am getting is head, with about 3cm of beer at the bottom that doesn't look all that bubbly. Any suggestions from the brewing community out there any comments would be appreciated.

Next time don't be in such a hurry.
Leave your beer on the gas @ 89kpa, 4 deg temp for a full week, this will give you around 2.6 vol co2, ( Style dependant of course ) Your kegged beer will taste so much better at the end of the second week anyhow. Rapid force carbing will get your beer carbonated but its still green beer, be patient. I only ever tried to rapid force carb once & ended up doing what sounds like you have done, over carbed.
Found this on UTube might give you a few ideas on force carbonation Just need to change PSI to bars as it comes from Canada which is slightly odd as Canada is fully metric. Must have an American regulator.
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