Your recommendations helped me in continuing with the build & I hope the BM doesn't let me down as this 3V is a great looking rig.
The single vessel is really the only thing that has persuaded me to go that way & time & space for me at the moment is a big issue, space being the major one.
Great pickup, I just noticed that. The stand does indeed have 4 wheels, 100kg rated each.
I purchased the 1.5" 316 stainless Tee's from geordi stainless & the tube is 1.5" 316 sch40 & did not come with threads. I think I payed $70.00 for the tube & 1.5" bsp threads put on both ends.
I'm not happy to copy the BM, I simply want one. You make a valid point though, but I'm over stuffing around with custom stuff. I want to plug the thing in & turn it on. Lazy arse bastard I am.
It looks as though I may have a buyer.