flavourless cider

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Hi all,

Attempted to make my first (still) cider.
followed the recipe on this page which uses apple and pear juice, black tea etc.
i find it very flavourless, almost like watered down wine?
has anybody else had this problem?
thinking of adding some malice acid to increase the acidity and hopefully get some flavour into it.

I've used a bit of malic ANC citric acids to get more bite to a dry style cider. Works for me!
adam92 said:
Hi all,

Attempted to make my first (still) cider.
followed the recipe on this page which uses apple and pear juice, black tea etc.
i find it very flavourless, almost like watered down wine?
has anybody else had this problem?
thinking of adding some malice acid to increase the acidity and hopefully get some flavour into it.

What kind of yeast did you use?
adam92 said:
Hi all,

Attempted to make my first (still) cider.
followed the recipe on this page which uses apple and pear juice, black tea etc.
i find it very flavourless, almost like watered down wine?
has anybody else had this problem?
thinking of adding some malice acid to increase the acidity and hopefully get some flavour into it.

You need to be a bit more specific as to your recipe and brew details before anyone can offer advice. Things like:
1: What was your recipe?
2: What was your batch size?
3: What was your OG and FG?
4: What yeast did you use?
5: Bottles or kegs?

You could use Bread yeast.... Look up The JAO mead recipe while you at it. I've found this yeast rather versatile and is my go to yeast for ciders ive also used it in Brown's and blacks as it gives that hit of body and flavour that High attenuated yeasts don't
You could use Bread yeast.... Look up The JAO mead recipe while you at it. I've found this yeast rather versatile and is my go to yeast for ciders ive also used it in Brown's and blacks as it gives that hit of body and flavour that High attenuated yeasts don't
Wine yeast I have found generally work well while preserving flavour.