Hey Sticksy,
I'd leave it in the fermenter for a few more days. To be sure that the fermentation has finished and the yeast has cleaned up after itself a bit.
Back to your first post "my first two brews (coopers kit&kilo) were primed correctly but tasted sort of flat". When you say primed correctly you mean carbonation drops or sugar? If so how much per bottle? Using the PET bottles 2 drops or a decent scoop of sugar should do it. With the next batch you could always experiment with varying amounts of sugar to see what works for you. With PET bottles the threat of exploding bottles is minimised but maybe keep them somewhere where spills don't matter.
For them to carb up you want to leave them a good two weeks at around about your fermentation temp (i.e. not in the fridge ready to drink). Again maybe experiment with how long it needs by taking a bottle a day from your fermentation temp to the fridge and drink it the following night while moving the next bottle through the process. The more you play around with the brewing process the more you start to understand it (and the more expensive bling you want to buy...just a warning)
A fridge is the way to go, particularly if you can borrow a temp controller. Don't worry about paying for one - keep an eye on gumtree and the ebay thread on here, if you don't have a free fridge in a fortnight you're doing it wrong. In particular keep an eye out for older freezers that are up for grabs because they ice up, the temp controller will stop them from getting cold enough to ice up and a freezer will possibly have more grunt and better insulation.
NB: it's been ages since I opened a can or primed bottles so my advice could be wrong.