First Post, First Partial and all on my birthday. (Coffs)

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Well-Known Member
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Coffs Harbour
Hi All,

I have been lurking around in the shadows for a while trying to soak up all the information, without much to say.I thought that it was about time that I introduce myself.
I worked as a bars for years and have always been a huge beer lover and thought I would give it a shot and I have to say that I am hooked.

This is only my third brew, the first was a coopers European lager with some added hallertau hops, the second was a European Pilsner wetpak from TCB and I am moving on to trial my own partial recipe today.
(I am hoping to get all the equipment together to be doing all grain by the end of the year)

This is my recipe for my Hefeweizen:

1.5 kg pale wheat
2 kg bohemian pilsner
0.5 kg Munich

BIAB Mash in 10.5L for 75mins at 67degrees
Dunk sparge 77degrees

60 minute boil
35 grams Herbrucker hops
1.5 kg liquid wheat malt extract

Cool in an ice bath and fill to 22 litres and pitch wyeast 3068 Weihenstephen at 18 degrees.
Boil Gravity 1.127
Original Gravity 1.066
Final Gravity 1.017
ABV 6.5%

So what do you beer gurus think of my recipe?
It is mashing away nicely in a heated oven as we speak.
For me 67 is a bit high but thats on my system. For a lighter beer I tend to mash at 64, this is where I have had best results.
Other than that sounds good, finish the brew, cube, ferment and review!
67 was my actually ended up being 65 and dropped to 62 by mash out.

Do you think I should up my hops level or will 35grams be sufficient?
Happy birthday AHU, can't go wrong with a birthday brew.
35gms is probably heaps, just depends how you use it.
You only want about 15IBU from your hops for a wheaty.
Get onto Ian's spreadsheet for kit and extract a search, I struggle to post links.
Welcome AHU
Recipe looks good :)
I'm discovering there are plenty of AG brewers here in Coffs after a long time of thinking I was the only one
Sadly you missed out on the first meeting of the Coffs Region Amateur Brewers today, but you're more than welcome to come along to the meeting next month
sp0rk said:
Welcome AHU
Recipe looks good :)
I'm discovering there are plenty of AG brewers here in Coffs after a long time of thinking I was the only one
Sadly you missed out on the first meeting of the Coffs Region Amateur Brewers today, but you're more than welcome to come along to the meeting next month

I was keen to come but I only found out about it when I was in the shop this afternoon.

Was that you floating around in TCB this afternoon when I was purchasing my goodies?
Wait, that was you!
heh, yeah I was the fat bloke in the black shirt

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