First partial, no going back.

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So have been considering getting into BIAB all grain brewing for a while now but have been hesitant as it seems a big step from most of the simple concentrate kits i do. After playing around with grains and hops in a few of these brews I finally decided to take the next step by way of a half grain brew. After much consideration i finally chose to make a german pilsner style beer.

I went into one of my local brew shops and after an hours discussion finally decided on the coopers pilsner, 2.5kg of grain, tettnang hops and workhorse dried yeast. On my next free night i had a mate come over and we begun the process of making my first partial mash beer. It took a while and was not a smooth running process as it was the blind leading the blind but we finally got there. I cant say my hopes were high on this beer turning out any good.

A little over a week later the brew was ready to be kegged and after 2 days force carbonation it was ready to try on Christmas Day. Well merry bloody christmas to me. It is by far the best damn beer i have made to date. No more will i be using just the kits. My next few will be partial mashes until i make the next step to all grain BIAB.

For anyone out there wanting to take the next step I say go for it. Don't know why i held off for so long myself.
G'day, I've recently moved over from kits although I went straight to all-grain.

Likewise, I found it surprisingly easy and the results off the charts in terms of quality. I strongly recommend taking the next step up to all-grain. So much flexibility, works out cheaper, and results are brilliant.
Thats great to hear,
I personally havent taken the grain jump yet but it won't be long until I AG BIAB.
The biggest issue to going AG is getting the bloody grain, the only brew shop near me is a country brewer and they charge like a wounded bull and the grain isnt fresh.
Where in sydney do you get your grain from?
jpanic said:
G'day, I've recently moved over from kits although I went straight to all-grain.

Likewise, I found it surprisingly easy and the results off the charts in terms of quality. I strongly recommend taking the next step up to all-grain. So much flexibility, works out cheaper, and results are brilliant.
I did the same thing, however I think for some moving to partial before all grain is a good step...

I've got myself a decent setup now, but when I started it was a bit clunky, worked but clunky. For instance having to use 3 pots on the stove because I didn't have a big enough one.
maxim0200 said:
Where in sydney do you get your grain from?
I'm in Melbourne but I still find mark's homebrew pretty convieniant - - no affiliation. Get him to set yourself up a brewbuilder account and away you go. Heaps of recipes to choose from, or make your own. Grain is crushed, bagged, hops are weighed and measured, yeast supplied and brewbrite added for clarification. No grumbles here, though due to shipping I'm now getting grain from a Melbourne supplier.

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