First (known) Ahb Meet In Tokyo

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cj in j

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I got a chance to meet up with NRB (Dr Nick) this past weekend when he blew through Tokyo on his way back home, and had a great time. We went to the famous 40-Tap Popeye in Tokyo, had a couple of Real Ales followed by a few pale ales, IPAs, barleywines, and then a nightcap (I think), followed by a few more at my house, including the Hop 10 Cubed on tap (he'd already had a few in bottle) and some more IPAs and German Schwarzbier Ale. And even with all that, I got him to the bus stop on time to get out to the airport (after which I went back to sleep for three more hours in preparation for a Sunday party at a friend's house). Hopefully we'll have a chance to meet up again and maybe even do a brew next time.

Cheers, Nick! :beer:

Chris :beerbang:
Glad I wasnt sitting next to Dr Nick on the flight....ewww
Very jealous. Sounds like an awesome session.
Has NRB arrived back in one piece :p

He seemed to be in great shape -- I was still drunk, though. I did offer him a couple bottles of Hop 10 Cubed to take home with him -- or drink on the plane -- but he was already vastly over his luggage allowance and decided against it. Now I'll have to drink those beers by myself! Woe is me. :super:
Arrghhh... yeah I made it home. I tell you guys, if you ever have the opportunity to meet Chris and sample both his hospitality and his beers you WILL NOT be disappointed.

I'd never experienced any 'over-the-top' hoppy brews in my life and I tell you, Chris sure knows how to craft a fine beer. I was expecting a mouth puckering bitter drink with lies about how good it tasted but I was incredibly surprised. I wouldn't call myself a hophead, but I think I've been converted; Chris is a master of getting the balance right. The IIPA is a true masterpiece - I don't think I'd sit on it all night as I wouldn't last long, but it's just so tasty.

A couple of days after I landed in the country CJ forwarded a box is brews to the house I was staying at in Takaoka:

1 x Cranbeery Ale
1 x Three Beery Ale
2 x Autumn Ale
2 x Summit IPA
2 x Simcoe JPA
2 x Hop 10 Cubed
2 x IIPA of some description that the name escapes me (sorry Chris!)

These were slowly drunk over a couple of weeks and introduced to some Japanese blokes who didn't appreciate them quite as Hamish & I did. The fruit beers were not my thing, but I can at least say I've tried fruit beer now.

We had an "interesting" time trying to meet at Tokyo station when I arrived from the countryside with both of us trying to get station announcements in order to meet!

The beers at Popeye's were extremely tasty, although our starter "Stout" would've faired poorly in a BJCP event. It was an easy drinking black beer with a beautifully creamy head but was not even close to being a stout. The pale ales and IPAs that followed were very well crafted with fantasic hoppy aromas and flavours. I'm just so unused to having a commercial outlet pour me such tasty brew. The best beer I tasted there was the Baird Barleywine (my first barleywine) which had a distinct whiskey-like aroma, probably due to some cask aging.

After finishing up there, we headed back to Chris' for a few more, one of which (Schwarzbier) I managed to spill on his lovely carpet :huh: Talk about embarrassing! We eventually returned at about 2am with a 6:30am alarm planned. I managed to get up and ready, although looks may've been deceiving as I was still feeling the effects of the consumption from the night before... Was a little tired on the flight to Singapore, but it was no great drama. I hadn't had an AFD in 4 weeks, so my body was happy to avoid alcohol for a bit anyway.

I'm glad I refused the "take away" beer and hops as I was stung for excess baggage as it was, and the thought of taking vaccuum sealed hops as carry on luggage through Singapore scares me!

Anyway this post is getting to be as long as a Pistol Patch post so I'll finish it up.

Chris, thanks for a great time and for sharing your most excellent beer with me. It was an honour to have been hosted by someone who is so proficient in the art of brewing and a top bloke at the same time. :beer:
Arrghhh... yeah I made it home. I tell you guys, if you ever have the opportunity to meet Chris and sample both his hospitality and his beers you WILL NOT be disappointed.

Sadly I couldn't make up the threesome due to a rather physically demanding engagement I had the next day. :( For accounts of why I was lying around doing nothing except eat spaghetti while those b@stards drank my share of the beer, feel free to browse the last few posts in my blog. The image below is a clue.

Sorry Nick, I really wish I could have partied with you guys and I appreciate your understanding of my situation. Next time I will try to prevent my other hobby getting in the way of meeting a fellow brewer and enjoying a good pissup.
I'd never experienced any 'over-the-top' hoppy brews in my life and I tell you, Chris sure knows how to craft a fine beer. I was expecting a mouth puckering bitter drink with lies about how good it tasted but I was incredibly surprised. I wouldn't call myself a hophead, but I think I've been converted; Chris is a master of getting the balance right. The IIPA is a true masterpiece - I don't think I'd sit on it all night as I wouldn't last long, but it's just so tasty.
My pleasure -- I really enjoy sharing beers with someone who can appreciate the time, effort and love that goes into creating them. You also came at a perfect time -- I had just bottled up a bunch of beers and I also had four or five different ones kegged and in the fridge. (I'm down to three kegs now -- the day after you left, I took the Schwarzbier Ale to a friend's for a party, and last night I blew foam on a JPA keg.) Anyone who comes this week or next week is outta luck. ;)
After finishing up there, we headed back to Chris' for a few more, one of which (Schwarzbier) I managed to spill on his lovely carpet. Talk about embarrassing!
I did some cleaning the next morning before I went back to bed, and that night, my wife did a proper cleaning job -- no stain now and it doesn't even smell like ass anymore! :p
Chris, thanks for a great time and for sharing your most excellent beer with me. It was an honour to have been hosted by someone who is so proficient in the art of brewing and a top bloke at the same time.
I really way my pleasure. Hopefully you'll be back next year and we can do some more beers together.
For accounts of why I was lying around doing nothing except eat spaghetti while those b@stards drank my share of the beer . . . Sorry Nick, I really wish I could have partied with you guys and I appreciate your understanding of my situation.
First of all, we didn't drink your share of the beer -- we drank your share and EVERYONE ELSE'S share! And second, who said I was understanding of your situation?!?!? ^_^

And now I have to go take my liver medicine. Later!
Good on you blokes, showing Aussie hospitality abroad. First members of AHB International I'd say!!!!
Actually Screwtop, CJ is a seppo! Well actually he's Japanese, but grew up in the USA.

Chris I've been inspired to brew up some big IPAs and may get a barleywine under my belt soon. All I need to do is work out how to save water using my CFWC as I can't stand to see all the water go to waste. I guess I could "no-chill" them but I'd like to capture everything the aroma additions contribute. It's about time I brewed again - I think the last time was the failed all Amarillo APA that was struck down with some dodgy infection in the middle of last year :(

I'd love to see pictures of your brewery in action because I couldn't picture how you could set it up without risking the floor! You should see how much space I end up using when I brew...
Actually Screwtop, CJ is a seppo! Well actually he's Japanese, but grew up in the USA.
Actually I'm American, but I really grew up in Japan -- after I was 21 and moved here. ;)
I'd love to see pictures of your brewery in action because I couldn't picture how you could set it up without risking the floor! You should see how much space I end up using when I brew...
I always mean to take some pics, but once I get going, I usually space it out. I'll be brewing tomorrow and Saturday, so I'll try to remember to get some taken and posted in the next few days.
Sadly I couldn't make up the threesome due to a rather physically demanding engagement I had the next day.

How hard can Tea Ceremony be Steve - like really!!!!

Obi cannot be that hard to tie.....


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