First Ag

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Ag virgin no more ;)

Poped my cherry yesty.


My basic set up. Both urns costed $10 each from garage sales. Maybe next I could fabricate my brew stand. Now if only I

could find a welder :p


Mash in and sitting nicely at 67

Oops hang on.



and then refreshments.


Right, hit me with the questions :beerbang:
Well done, what did you make, size, OG etc? :super:

Recipe like Tony's

Only 23l

5kg ale malt
.5kg caramalt
15g Amarillo (pellets, 8.9 AA%, 60min)
15g Saaz B (NZ pellets 8.2AA%, 60min)
15g Amarillo 30min
15g Saaz B 30min
20g Amarillo 0min
20g Saaz B 0min
final volume I got was 20l, topped up to 22.5l
OG 1048
Safale yeast sitting at 18 at the moment
Well done Cracka.

Nice hop combo... I've got a B Saaz/Amarillo Bright Ale in the keg right now.... beautiful.
Well done Cracka,
How did the teaball on the end of the kettle pick up go?


Onya Cracka, another one over to the dark side. Well done, piece a piss this game eh!
Well done mate!

All the best with it... bet it is the best brew you have made
nice one Cracka.
I only popped mine last thursday. Wish I took photos.
Congrats on joining the AG club. Membership kit (including secret handshake) is on its way to you. ;)
Great work, sounds like a nice simple AG to lick it off with! HAd the same bug as me. i had to top up 2-3L on my 1st aswell!

Welcome to the bug... i mean CLUB!
Up the shit. :angry:

Work on that one next time, maybe flowers ;)

Congrats and welcome mate!

As far as the tea ball goes i feel your pain, my kettle blocked yesterday all pellets.... a few expletives were uttered.
Congrats and welcome mate!

As far as the tea ball goes i feel your pain, my kettle blocked yesterday all pellets.... a few expletives were uttered.

Good to know, I built one of those teaball kettle strainers the other day, I was going to test it this weekend, but I think I will send it the way of the dodo.


Just an update on how it's going.

Kegged today at lunch & had a small sample. tasted orrrsommm

PS. Is it normal that To still have a woody hours after tasting.
The little researched 'viagra effect' of the virgin AG!!

Isnt it so much fun! even though there is alot of waiting i have loved the last 3 weekends with 1 batch each one. This week plan on doing 2 maybe even 3 batches, if i can get the grain ordered and decide what to make..

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