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twas a fine brew, and at about 8% pretty much prevented me from getting any work done for the rest of the arvo
Tried it out with the Hills brewers last night, and the comments were positive. Top stuff.
Now to savour the remaining bottles. It's going too quickly.
I called in on Ross recently, to acquire a decent supply of grains, hops, and yeast for the next year.
I had 3 brews with me.
An APA gushed all over his bar.
An English Pale Ale had signs of infection.
He did like a dunkelweizen (he finished the stubby, so it must have been OK).
The interesting thing is that of the APA only a few bottles seem to have that problem. I had one yesterday, and it was just fine. The English seems to also have bottle variation, but the infection seems mild, and doen't seem to be getting worse.
It has sent me on a hunt to discover what the problem/s is/are.
One thing I have found is my little bottler was all gunked up around the little washer on the outlet. I have now cleaned it and sanitised it, and am now aware of it.
The English I recall I had problems bringing down to pitching temp, so it sat in my fridge for almost a day before pitching. I also think my bottling cleaning routine needed improving.
So we live and learn. In spite of the problems, I hugely enjoyed my visit, and tasted some great beers. Ross has a very impressive set up.
Just by way of interest, here's the pic.

Nice tip there. The amount of places where gunk can hide.
I've only now started to pull the O-ring out of the fermenter lid and cleaning that as well.
I must admit when I cleaned the bottles, I didn't exactly sanitise them. Just washed well and rinsed well. Next time.

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