Ah...Right :unsure:pint of lager said:Settle Brizbrew, that is a pale ale, not an India pale ale.
Pale ale, og 1.040-1.050
IBU, 22-28
IPA's are much hoppier and higher og. That means more grain, bigger sparge etc.
A pale ale is a really nice brew. Much easier to sort out your setup, strike temps, sparging on an easy brew, not a hard one. Once you get a few brews through your system, then launch into the brews of your dreams. Plenty of time.
I feel like a racehorse ready to run a steeple chase but have not yet done any pole work.
Mmmm...Maybe you are right, learn to walk before I can run etc I could think of a few more metaphors but just want to get brewing!!!
Ok any good Pale Ale recipes out there