Hi Ross
Welcome to the Aussie Forum, Poms aplenty on here

- I remember those Burco boilers from when I lived in the UK (not to be confused with the Australian Birko) and they are excellent robust units - a 40L would be good but as you say 35L is a bit "borderline" without either doing a sparge on the side or brewing a bit over gravity and diluting before fermenting.
However many an Aussie brewer uses the Birko 30L to do a full size brew and if you hunt around this forum you'll find a few threads.
The idea of no chilling in a cube is to sanitise the cube with the near boiling wort then lock it all away tight (a bit like jam or chutney making where the near boiling goo goes into the sanitised jar). Then you can store the wort away for as long as you want, next day or next month or next year. I have a cube of stout which just had its first birthday, I really should get round to fermenting it some day
However there is indeed a risk of picking up an infection and in my 4 year career I've lost 3 brews to cube infection so nowadays I pitch as quickly as possible, never more than a couple of days. I threw away the affected cubes so it was an expensive exercise.
On the other hand I've seen some plate and coil chillers that look like they've just been hijacked from an abbatoir <_< and I see few advantages in quick chill.
Chilling in the boiler is ok, many do it, as long as you seal it up well. The CO2 is a good idea if you can spare the gas. Perfect for the UK - you should get good rapid cooling, and coming onto the Winter now you could maybe just open the door for an hour :lol:
Splash and glug into the FV will give you good oxygenation.
There are a couple of other resources out there,
Jims Beer Kit in the UK now have a BIAB section and there is
BIAB Brewer which is dedicated BIAB forum. Where did you get your bag from? There's an Irish Guy eionmag on the forums - including this one - whose Mrs makes and sells bags. If you can track him down they are very good quality I'm told.
Happy Brewing