Final Gravity Of Wet-pak

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Hello all,
Last Saturday (10 days ago) I started fermenting my first partial grain pak. I bought it from country brewer, it is called the Wet-Pak (American Pale Ale). All went as planned and smelled great. The last couple of days the Sg has been 1014 and sitting pretty. The starting gravity was 1050, so the fermentation process has gone well. I am wondering if anyone else has used these packs before and if so would this sg reading of 1014 be normal, as I believe this beer is done fermenting and I am getting anxious to bottle it (just to get closer to drinking it). I have a hunch its going to be a nice beer. The fermentation temp has remained constant at around 18 degrees.

Any ideas/suggestion greatly appreciated.

Thanks again

btw: love reading this forum, plenty of interesting info and stories
Hi Andy,
Wetpaks being all liquid malt do tend to finish around that value.
Leave it for another few days (at least 2 weeks is always a good fermenting time) and then bottle.
And yes it will be a very good beer!