Filthy Bottles

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I bought some very old flip top bottles off gumtree.
The bottles have been under "old Mates" house for years and look like they have never been cleaned, some have spiders in them.
I gave one a quick rinse and scrub with a bottle brush, which look a little of the muck away but I've a long way to go.

Is there an easy way to get them clean or will it be down to a lot of elbow grease?

soak in hot water with sodium perc for a short time....also i found the brigalow bottle brushes(Big W) do a good job.
A good soak does as per above wonders. then get in with the bottle brush and give it a few goes. You might need to repeat this process a few times.

there are various designs for diy bottle washers around the place as well if you feel like building stuff.
dont forget to replace the seals to save yourself headaches later on.
The ultimate clean is to soak them in hot caustic. (Drain cleaner from bunnings)

Wear safety glasses and rubber gloves while you so it though....
Matplat said:
The ultimate clean is to soak them in hot caustic. (Drain cleaner from bunnings)
Tricleanium (also from Bunnings) in hot water also does a pretty good job......and far less dangerous than caustic.
and if you use a bottle brush, chop of the plastic handle and then insert it into your cordless drill. Makes scrubbing bottles a breeze.

DU99 said:
soak in hot water with sodium perc for a short time....also i found the brigalow bottle brushes(Big W) do a good job.
i soak mine for 24 hours and they come up sparkling clean 1/2 a cup of 100 % in a fish tub 70 liters
Bugger all this soaking and scrubbing carry on.
Try my method, it's the easiest by far and the most rewarding;

Step 1 - Buy a carton a week of something that has bottles of reasonable mileage (Coopers 750mL Stout is my personal pref).
Step 2 - Rinse well directly after you finish each bottle, flick out excess water and stand upside down to drain on top of your washing machine/buffet/doghouse.
Step 3 - Sanitise on the day of brewing.
Step 4 - Repeat until you have the desired stock of bottles.
Step 5 - Repeat unit you have the desired stock of homebrew.
Step 6 - Repeat until your missus slaps you about the head.

More enjoyable, consistent results, and 10 points for energy conservation after giving all that scrubbing a miss.
Fair call, but I haven't been able to get the the stage of bottle turn over that would require chem soak....too many new bottles to use :p.
Most dishwashers are useless for cleaning inside the bottle.

Perc or caustic soak is good. Caustic you want hot. With perc, not so hot. Luke warm will do. If you make it too hot, you just drive off the oxygen at the start - better to let it work slowly.
JDW81 said:
and if you use a bottle brush, chop of the plastic handle and then insert it into your cordless drill. Makes scrubbing bottles a breeze.

Just be sure to do it on low speed otherwise the brush will wobble off centre and bend over at high revs.