i'm assuming they're for takeaways... only reason i bottle (from my kegerator)
I usually just waste a bit of beer pouring out of the tap but chilling the bottles is a great thing to do.
I'm a bit confuddled why you ask 8 or 3 degrees? maybe you serve your beer at 8? if so try and chill your bottles colder in a normal fridge, but to be honest, just chuck em in whatever fridge/kegerator you've got space in....
a really good tip (that i'm stealing from my local Ubrewit) is to sleeve a bit of vinyl/silicone hose over the end of the tap, that way the bottle fills up from the bottom... they also mount the tap horizontally, kind of making it like tipping the glass when you pour.
my other way is to just run a bit of beerline from the disconnect and fill out the end of the beerline (from the bottom of the bottle), burp the keg a bit and keep your gas pressure real low so it fills nice and slow.. no waste, no mess.