Filled fermenter to much.. Face palm!

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So was doing a quick heritage lager,

Coopers heritage tin
brew booster 15

saflager 23

so chucked it in the fermenter and noticed that its filled to 25 liters.


there is no point fermenting a weak watery beer. so the 4 options I could think of are..

1. dump it and redo it
2 add DME might lose some hop flavors
3 add a tin of heritage.
4 go scab some dex from the father in law

to add one of the ingredients I am half way there of making a new batch

or is it just


your over thinking !
Go with option 2.

I don't actually have anything add to this thread except the picture.
Oh yeah I dont have any DME so its going to be a purchase from the shop.
Not to be rude or to pick a fight or anything, but how is throwing it away going to teach him anything?

Surely an extra 2 litres overall (less than 10% of total volume) isn't going to entirely ruin the batch beyond comprehension?

I'm only realllllly new here, but couldn't he just brew as is at 25L, add some fermentables early on to up the flavour/alcohol and dry hop to regain some of the flavour/character towards the pointy end?
Man. Such a shame all facepalm macros have been used up already.
slcmorro said:
Not to be rude or to pick a fight or anything, but how is throwing it away going to teach him anything?
Not 100% sure, but it is possible that WarmBeer isn't being serious. ;)
Now thinking out side the box a bit,
could I take off 5+ litres and boil off 2 - 3 let it cool and add it back to the fv

I know its a few litres its just looking a bit weak and 3+ weeks in the fridge to produce a weak beer it just a waste of space
As Yob said "more DME and a bigger dry hop will sort it out"
that's what I would do from here.
If it was me I would go the toucan route. Don't even need to buy another Heritage can any Lager would do.
Although that would push your final volume up even more.
Ferment it out - then call it something like "Heritage Lite" and feed it to your VB swilling mates.
Frothie said:
Ferment it out - then call it something like "Heritage Lite" and feed it to your VB swilling mates.
taking up fermenting space then kegging space? stuff em they can bring a sixer of blond or vb! lol

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