Fermenter Taps

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G'day brewers,

I have done a search but cant find the answer.

Does anybody else have trouble getting there bloody fermenter tap to point straight down.

After removing the taps to clean them how in the hell do you get them to point down and not to the left, to the right or straight up...

is there and alternative tap to the normal fermenter tap????????

very frustrating :angry:

mine usually just comes off centre too. I usually just grab a hand towel or a tea towel and wrap the towel round the whole tap for levearge and reef it round.
mine usually just comes off centre too. I usually just grab a hand towel or a tea towel and wrap the towel round the whole tap for levearge and reef it round.

Tried that fents, but you can only turn so far and then it gives and pops out

all mine point at anywhere but straight down. its not a big deal just turn it back straight to pour off and retighten to avoid leaks..
nothing worse than the brewbox with fermenting wort all over the place growing mould...

I hear you Rook. Got the same problem here although the one which came with the coopers fermenter is not too bad. But as for the generic HBS ones ... well they are a bloody pain. Another thing .. steer away from the black colored taps , they drive me insane trying to work out if they are open or shut. :angry:

my whinge for the day

haha, i have the same problem, bloody taps piss me off!
Pink or yellow (thick and fat) Teflon tape and sanitizer. :beerbang:
happens to all of em Rook, not an issue, dont worry about it....
Yeah I have had the same issue.

I solved it by removing the rubber O ring from a spare tap & putting it onto the tap I was about to use so it had 2 o rings. Worked a treat! :super:
Got one tap pointing more or less straight up atm, if I loosen it so it points down it leaks and I cant turn it all the way 360.

I'll be a pain come SG readings no doubt.
Bit of thread tape seems to do the trick if its over turning a little...Just keep adding until its tight when its straight down.


for what its worth I put my tap in upside down (pointing up) when I start to screw it back in. I get the tap pointing almost exactly down about 6/10 times. or maybe 5/10. so really its an old wives takle and sheer luck!

othet than that I do as Bunyips does and just make it straight when I need to get a readings or when Im bottling. once done I just tighten it up again to whatever position is was.
Tried to go round that extra turn, stuffed the tap and the fermentor was never much chop either after that. Since then if they go tight at a quarter turn past straight down, I just back them off so they point straight down, never leaks, there seems to be a lot of squash in the rubber washer.
wow i must have a blessed tap/fermenter... never had a prob getting it to point straight down and seal tight.... it's just a coopers fermenter and tap too. though now that i have posted this u can bet i will strip the thread when i next remove and replace the tap!!
An extra o-ring or replace the old one.
Like the tape solution, Not...
TOOOOOOOOOOOO simple hehehe

edit Crozdog beat me
taps really piss me off too. i tend to start screwing it in with teh nozzle in a different direction until i get it right. sometimes i'll start screwing it in with it pointing up, and it'll finish pointing up, so i unscrew it, and start screwing it in with it pointing down, and it still finishes pointing up! eventually i get it pointing the right way however sometimes takes up to 10 goes. i also have 2 willow 20ltr water containers with white taps, I got them from supercheap auto and these taps leak all the time. I use the water tanks for cold conditioning and i'm constantly cleaning up leaked beer off the bottom of the fridge.