February It Is

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Well All,
My alcohol free month is here. Back in July (I think it was) a few of you went on a similar mission. I said then that Feb was my month, so true to my word, No alcohol will pass my lips this month.
Benefits of Feb;
Only 28 days
No Public Holidays,
Body needs a break from Xmas/NYE/Oz day/Annual leave in general.

I also see it as a time to catch up brew stocks, and get that extra month on my lagers :icon_drool2:

I will check in and see whats happening on the forum, but its gonna be a temptation...

:icon_cheers: for you guys anyway.

Anone gonna join me? :ph34r:
Damn you...I know I should be doing this, but Im pretty sure Im an alcoholic. I find it really hard to go without a beer.

Hhmmm....I will think about this. To be honest I have already enjoyed some hydrometer tastings this morning...does that count?

I'm in actually I already had a head start, I've had no beer for 6 days, but I have had a few glasses of wine over the last week with dinners...

I will be using this time to also get into shape, seeing as though beer has tended to previously stand in the way of any idea of an afternoon workout session....
I'm in. Feb's my regular month off, for the same reasons you stated. I'll be making one exception tho. The IBUs have a Real Ale Fest this month, so I'll have beer or 5 that day.
Yep I am in.. I went 5 weeks in Oct and it is about time for me to go again, get fit, drop a few kg and brew some beer to age for more than a month or so.

Bottled Gold ale today with 20 L sitting in secondary to be bottled next weekend should be tops in a month
Plan on a Stout / Porter for winter.

In. Third year for a dry Feb and I think my liver is looking forward to it. :icon_cheers:
I actually had a relativly dry dec/jan. so I'm going with the year long moderation is a good thing.

dropped 9.8kgs.
I may as well give this a crack for Feb. I hope it cools off because I work outside most days and am just a sweet ball when I get home and am normally chugging down a few tallies right away.

And my stocks are getting low. Been hot...mmmmkay :)

Have been thinking of just doing 2 days on, 2 days off kinda thing. Is there any advantage of doing a whole month then giving the liver a thrashing for another 11 months?
I'm definitely in! Have a wedding in 3 weeks so will help get me into shape for the photos! also, my liver could do with a break... been drinking way too much lately. Might even motivate me to get the joggers out!
Here's my alternative (anything that allows me to continue my love affair with beer...glorious beer)

Ive got a coupla weeks off so Im going to do lots of exercise, which always sees me drink less, because a) there's not much time left in the evening for it and B) just too tired!

I'm up now at 0300, and will leave the house by 0500 for a 70km cycle ride (need time to wake up and drink coffee). Then to the municipal pool at 0900 for some laps. Maybe an hour on the ergo this arvo too...

I reckon if I can keep this up then I can drink if I want to...and seeing as I had half a dozen last night Feb is already stuffed! :)

well i have decided also to cut back a bit for feb, been hot down here in adelaide so probably drinking a bit more than normal.
i am thinking, two beers.. per person ..per day..

well i have decided also to cut back a bit for feb, been hot down here in adelaide so probably drinking a bit more than normal.
i am thinking, two beers.. per person ..per day..


Oh well, I could do that, no worries...


Ok, I'm in.... except that I had two yesterday at loftboy's house while doing a brew day, and tomorrow I'm going to have friends and family wanting to buy me beers and celebrate, so I'll tack the 1st and 2nd of March on the end of mine for catch up days...

I'm going to regret this I just know it...
for a 70km cycle ride (need time to wake up and drink coffee). Then to the municipal pool at 0900 for some laps. Maybe an hour on the ergo this arvo too...

I reckon if I can keep this up then I can drink if I want to...and seeing as I had half a dozen last night Feb is already stuffed! :)


If you're doinf 70 k;s on a bike, even once a week you should be able to drink what you want ( within reason )!!!!!!!

I might join in this too, it doesnt look like im gunna make real ale day, so i may as well not drink the whole month.

My mrs birthday is the 20th, so we'll probably go out for dinner. If im doing ok by then, i may even offer to drive, or maybe i'll drink wine instead :icon_cheers:
Well my kegs empty, my fridge died so by brewing fridge is full of food and its looking like it will be 1 or 2 weeks before i can have beer on tap again.

Body does need a rest!

Bugger it.......... im in!

Hmmm. Sounds tempting, although this is my month off from study until the 26th...

Stuff it. I'm in.

- boingk

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