February It Is

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How many people now in this thing were mocking my dry Feb in 2007?
Hi All,
I finally got around to registering for this.
Please help me meet my target of $200. It cost me $25 to register and if I make the $200 goal I will also donate $25 here. Its not much I know, but its what I can do. Its $50 out of my own pocket and a month off the drink - am I insane? :huh:
I have named the page mckenry & AHB friends.
Here's a snapshot of the cause;

FebFast invites individuals to sacrifice their alcohol intake during the shortest month of the year, and at the same time raise funds to support the reduction of alcohol and other drug related harms in young Australians.

Funds raised are distributed through a grants program to organisations working in research, prevention and service delivery around young people and substance use.

Donations made in Australia over $2.00 are Tax Deductible

Here's where you can donate if you wish;

mckenry & AHB friends

Well - have fun boys.

Finished my dry month a few days ago. Wasn't enjoyable - but I did enjoy not waking up with a hangover (which I am experiencing right now :( )
Day 3 is upon us. How is everyone holding up? I went and saw David Byrne at the Opera House last night and it was refreshing, I think, to see a gig completely sober. Feeling a little weird today, not sure if it was because of a late night, or if my liver is changing what it's working on.
Day 3 is upon us. How is everyone holding up? I went and saw David Byrne at the Opera House last night and it was refreshing, I think, to see a gig completely sober. Feeling a little weird today, not sure if it was because of a late night, or if my liver is changing what it's working on.

so at least now you remember the show for a change PM ;) WELL I HAD NONE LAST NITE, SO JUST A QUESTION TO KEEP THIS FAIR AND ABOVE BOARD, IF I HAD NOTHING YESTERDAY CAN I HAVE 4 TODAY, if needed, i think i know the answer ,but just checking
Ok, I'm in.... except that I had two yesterday at loftboy's house while doing a brew day, and tomorrow I'm going to have friends and family wanting to buy me beers and celebrate, so I'll tack the 1st and 2nd of March on the end of mine for catch up days...

I'm going to regret this I just know it...

I hear you brother! Happy Birthday Mate. :icon_chickcheers:

I'm holding up okay, and I've been beer free since 28th of Jan.......

I've had a glass of wine with dinner here and there, but not my usual 4-10 beers a night.

Combined with my new exercise routine, I'm actually starting to feel like a healthy 25 year old again...
Feeling a little weird today, not sure if it was because of a late night, or if my liver is changing what it's working on.

My Atkins dieting colleague worked out this one for me. It's the sudden drop in caloric intake I've been feeling. Drowsy, tired, lethargic, etc. Combined with the lack of muscle relaxant before bed leading to a different sleep pattern, it's normal that I should be feeling pretty ordinary. I might lose a few kilos along the way as well.
SWMBO has started her diet, which includes no Alc ( except maybe some weekends )

She aslo TOLD ME that I was only to drink on weekends as well. Something about being good for me, which after the whole Xmas/New Year thing is probably not such a bad thing :unsure:

Actually with Feb being so bloody hot up here, I have only been drinking Coopers Light, as it doesnt make me sick in the heat like full strenght does
Regular (daily or so) small intakes of alcymohol are better for you than big hits once a week, or so I have been told. Something to do with liver function. I dunno, google it. Anyway, you should be able to convince the Mrs that only having a session on the piss on weekends is less good than a steady input thru the week.
Im sticking to that journo write up that came up a week or so ago

"safe drinking for a male is considered 4-5 drinks a day 5 times a week"

I read it, so it must be true and im sticking to it :icon_cheers: lol :ph34r:
And you dont think that I already know that small amounts regularly are better.... :icon_cheers:

Even the Doctors agree with that

I think it more the case of cheap wine making SWMBO expand more than I am... :ph34r:
SWMBO has started her diet, which includes no Alc ( except maybe some weekends )

She aslo TOLD ME that I was only to drink on weekends as well. Something about being good for me, which after the whole Xmas/New Year thing is probably not such a bad thing :unsure:

Actually with Feb being so bloody hot up here, I have only been drinking Coopers Light, as it doesnt make me sick in the heat like full strenght does

I start on this Friday.... thanks to the help of PP we finished all our HB except the chilli beer... but change of lifestyle for me. Wrong side of 35 for me and catching up quickly... Though I do have a weekend away in a couple of weeks so I wont count that in..... Im going beyond Feb though!!!!!!

Still be brewing... might have a go at a pilsner! I wont need the fridge!
I started work after my holidays and had gone up a belt notch and my pants were not so comfy any more.

Thats why i have embarked on this.

I find myself chugging away on weeknights and waking up....... not hung over but not really fully alert either and then driving for an hour to get to work.

I tell myself each arvo on the way home............ only 2 beers tonight but that goes out the window after the first one.

So for me the month off will be about getting out of the habit of drinking. Re learning some self control.

Being able to finnish my beer and not automaticly head strait for the tap again.

Thats the plan anyway.

I have removed all bottles of beer from the fridge to remove temptation.

I will be strong.......... I WILL BE STRONG!

Being able to finnish my beer and not automaticly head strait for the tap again.

I think that's half the problem, and why I'm not wanting to make the jump to kegs.

Having to open a stubbie (or longneck) at least keeps that back part of the brain keeping count on the number of beers consumed, plus there's plenty of evidence for SWMBO to "tut, tut" at.

Anybody else think similarly?
I tell myself each arvo on the way home............ only 2 beers tonight but that goes out the window after the first one.

I know that one... thats why Im thinking none will be better!

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