OK - I'd better report back.
I finished Feb off without a beer. No problem, bar the 'situation' problem. Back in earlier posts I said about BBQ, pool, heat etc just a real recipe for a beer. But I made it with no cravings. That wasnt what FEBFAST was about anyway. If you really want to know, go back to the start and follow my links.
My target was $200.
Didnt make it, but I tried and feel I did my bit.
I cant mention everyone on here that did sponsor me, we dont have all night ala the Oscars.
Oh F it - Yes I will:
In best Oscar winning acceptance speech voice:
"I'd like to thank Rukh,"
Yep, that's it. :lol: :lol: :lol: Thanks Rukh.
Without Rukh I would not have made it to $65 (including my entry fee!)
But I did sleep extremely well, lost a couple of kgs and kept on brewing with no debit to the stocks (bar a couple my bro helped himself to, when visiting. No great damage though) and put an extra month on my lagers.
Will probably do it again next year. Had a few Sunday p.m. Nice to have a few, but wasnt like we were long lost lovers reuinted