February It Is

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I'm still here, still sober. Also been off the smokes for three days now. Hardly notice they're gone, tbh, which is good. Gotta keep off them now.
Well done PM for kicking the durries. Foul foul things. I still want them when I play cards.

Yep still sober. Much easier now.
Hi All,
Dont want to harp on this, but I havent had one sponsor from anyone on here, which is AOK. Just want to point out I started this thread for the reason below.
I am not knocking anyone for their beer (or any alcohol) consumption at all. This FEBFAST is not about the evils V benefits of moderate consumption over binge drinking etc. Its not about how many alcohol free days per week you have etc etc. It's about educating the kids on alcohol & drugs and helping those that have fallen victim for whatever reason. No judgements.
So, if you like, please help me reach the target. If I dont, it doesnt matter - I feel I've done my bit. I hope no-one knocks the priciple any more, by saying things along the lines of
'Dry months are wrong because...'

Hi All,
I finally got around to registering for this.
Please help me meet my target of $200. It cost me $25 to register and if I make the $200 goal I will also donate $25 here. Its not much I know, but its what I can do. Its $50 out of my own pocket and a month off the drink - am I insane?
I have named the page mckenry & AHB friends.
Here's a snapshot of the cause;

FebFast invites individuals to sacrifice their alcohol intake during the shortest month of the year, and at the same time raise funds to support the reduction of alcohol and other drug related harms in young Australians.

Funds raised are distributed through a grants program to organisations working in research, prevention and service delivery around young people and substance use.

Donations made in Australia over $2.00 are Tax Deductible

Here's where you can donate if you wish;

mckenry & ahb friends FEBFAST

Mc, I reckon the cause is great, I just think that unfortunately the tragic fires in Vic may have stolen peoples' focus dollar-wise.
Sorry for the OT post but Mantis ... what surgery makes your tackle shrink ??

Just the thaguht makes me scared...

Cheers Vice..

Great thread BTW guys funny stuff in here.
Dry month?
Man ive had a rather wet month.
Wish i read this earlier as i may have had a serious crack at it.Oh well never mind.

Big D
I slipped a *few* times but overall my consumption was alot lower than normal....

6+ beers a night down to probably 10 for the whole month.
when I did my january dry month, I didn't drink anything until the 31st of jan...
So guys,

Do you keep brewing during these dry months and build up your stocks? Not too sure if I could have a dry month with kegs and brew gear in the shed.. Id have to empty them all and have nothing to drink around at all.. ;)
OK, well.....since I'm a new brewer, I've had the need to collect bottles.
so I bought my 7th carton of maga-swill yesterday......I started collecting on Australia day.

Pretty farkin far from dry!... :chug: ....SWMBO is not amused!
I did pretty well, only having two small indescretions. I might add these indescretions were for the chance to taste an Innis & Gunn, Murray's Anniversary Ale and a Murray's Wild Thing.... Forgivable I reckon...

I'm going to keep going for another week, and then with all the weekend events I have this month, I'm going to continue to have Monday - Thursday off. I'm really feeling and sleeping a lot better for the break, it's been good
Had my first beer for 28 days at 12.01 last night (after my grant was submitted), Woke up with a mild headache this morning 8(.


I went dry till about the 21st or 22nd i think. I was doing it easy, no real craving and was happy to just pour a glass of water if thirsty.

I had a 50 liter keg in the fridge waiting but left it till a couple of days ago.

I figured i had proved to myself i could go without beer, so droped a bottle in the fridge and on drinking it felt like crap. Went another 2 days dry and had another bottle after dinner.

My Brother droped around one day and we had a few but after he left i didnt drink any more..... usually would just keep going.

Went out for dinner with SWMBO last night. Had a nice Thai meal and ordered a lemon squash. On leaving the resteraunt my wife asked if i wanted to drop into the irish pub across the road for a pint of guiness. I just didnt feel like it so we toddled off home. And that was a saturday night. usually im pickled.

My work pants have lost some tention and i have learnt some serious self control. I think its more that i have shaken some old bad habbits.

I too feel more alert at work. Had to fill in for one of the Senior Engineers at work for the month while he was on holidays. Couldnt have done it before but a clearer head got me through.

Hi All,
Dont want to harp on this, but I havent had one sponsor from anyone on here, which is AOK. Just want to point out I started this thread for the reason below.
I am not knocking anyone for their beer (or any alcohol) consumption at all. This FEBFAST is not about the evils V benefits of moderate consumption over binge drinking etc. Its not about how many alcohol free days per week you have etc etc. It's about educating the kids on alcohol & drugs and helping those that have fallen victim for whatever reason. No judgements.
So, if you like, please help me reach the target. If I dont, it doesnt matter - I feel I've done my bit. I hope no-one knocks the priciple any more, by saying things along the lines of
'Dry months are wrong because...'

Hi All,
I finally got around to registering for this.
Please help me meet my target of $200. It cost me $25 to register and if I make the $200 goal I will also donate $25 here. Its not much I know, but its what I can do. Its $50 out of my own pocket and a month off the drink - am I insane?
I have named the page mckenry & AHB friends.
Here's a snapshot of the cause;

FebFast invites individuals to sacrifice their alcohol intake during the shortest month of the year, and at the same time raise funds to support the reduction of alcohol and other drug related harms in young Australians.

Funds raised are distributed through a grants program to organisations working in research, prevention and service delivery around young people and substance use.

Donations made in Australia over $2.00 are Tax Deductible

Here's where you can donate if you wish;

mckenry & ahb friends FEBFAST


I've kicked a few pacific pesos into your fighting fund. Keep up the good work.
I did pretty well, only having two small indescretions. I might add these indescretions were for the chance to taste an Innis & Gunn, Murray's Anniversary Ale and a Murray's Wild Thing.... Forgivable I reckon...
If you're gonna break a dry spell, you may as well do it in style!
Well done to everyone. Was wondering if anyone was going to back up for "Dry July" :lol:

I might give it a crack, every other month has birthday parties and weddings in it!

Well done everyone. If its any consolation im having a dry 1st March, im sober :eek:
Run out of home brew and cant even afford a sixer of melbourne :eek:
Just had a cup of tea....just cant understand why poms say tea is a great thirst quencher, im sweating like a pig now!

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