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Evenin Brewers,
I just dropped my guts and **** it stinks.
Has anyone found that a particular brew gives off a specific unpleasant odour when passing out the old sphincter?
Very common ground.
Yeah. I'll drink my APAs just fine but if I got back to something like coopers green I need to pay tax for carbon emissions.

Pretty much my body loves my beer and farts out everything else. You get that?
Yeast does it, as does the bigger sugars present in darker (caramel/crystal/melanoidin darkness) beers.
This thread made me have a good laugh. Nice one.
You wouldn't be laughin if ya had a six pack of Grand Ridge Brewery Beer shoved up your arse.
I come here for the brewing tips, but I stay for the witty repartee
Nothing like dutching your missus out on a sunday mourning with a good old stout fart.
i love farting.

i wish i could do it all day long. like, just a continuous massive fart.

just sayin, y'know.
Reminds me of the good old days playing dutch oven with my wife (hold the covers over her head just after I farted under them). That fun ended when she realized that by holding the covers, my tackle was unprotected. Ouch. :wacko:
Evenin Brewers,
I just dropped my guts and **** it stinks.
Has anyone found that a particular brew gives off a specific unpleasant odour when passing out the old sphincter?

Duuno about farts but Brigalow Apple Cider makes my burps rancid
Reminds me of the good old days playing dutch oven with my wife (hold the covers over her head just after I farted under them). That fun ended when she realized that by holding the covers, my tackle was unprotected. Ouch. :wacko:

My preferred technique has always been to get into bed first, pull the covers up and sealed around your chest, let one rip and just wait until she comes and lifts the covers to get it.....
I don't lay claim to the really bad ones.. I just pick up one of the children and mutter under my breath about changing nappies and walk out of the room.
I've always found belgians produce more potent (and much more complex) aromas

Cheers SJ

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