Evenin Brewers,
I just dropped my guts and **** it stinks.
Has anyone found that a particular brew gives off a specific unpleasant odour when passing out the old sphincter?
There's definitely something in this.
I've seriously had certain brews cook up some real rippers.
Does anyone know what the ingredient is for sure. I don't think it's the yeast because I've even drunk the sediment without the desired effect.
Yeast does it, as does the bigger sugars present in darker (caramel/crystal/melanoidin darkness) beers.
I reckon if you light them up you should be able to tell by what color it burnsDoes anyone know what the ingredient is for sure.
Most of mine are quite delicate and delicious, kind of like chanel or a spring afternoon in the botanical gardens.
Yeah right manticle, pull the other one, it plays jingle bells :lol:
My wife has made the Dutch oven technique redundant. It's almost like she can sense when i'm going to do it. Now, i'll fart, kiss her good night, and roll over. The resultant rise and fall of the doona is enough to give her a quick blast. She hates it. I laugh.
My mates still talk about my New Years Day fart, about 15years ago.
Dropped in a room with a bunch of sleepers, and it worked better than an alarm clock.
A heavy night on the Old's will do that to you.