Fart Smell

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Hey fellas

well i just cracked open a 4week old coopers ginger beer.
It smells like a big fart! I had a couple lastnight and they smelt abit yeasty but settled out and were very tastey!

This one smelt really bad, i am not drinking it because i am concerend it might be tainted.. or it could be the last one out of the barrel that i didnt mark..
Any one else experienced this?
I smell farts all the time while i drink :p

My wife hates it.

But seriously....... when you say "fart" do you mean it smells like Poo or is it sour, cardboardy, Rotton ?

I only ever made one ginger beer but it wasnt a coopers one.

I used malt eztract with it and SO-4 to brew and it was great.

maybe your bottles were not clean?

I smell farts all the time while i drink :p

My wife hates it.

But seriously....... when you say "fart" do you mean it smells like Poo or is it sour, cardboardy, Rotton ?

I only ever made one ginger beer but it wasnt a coopers one.

I used malt eztract with it and SO-4 to brew and it was great.

maybe your bottles were not clean?

I've made several coopers g/beers and never had the bottom burp smell, maybe you just have the one that someone gets occasionally, i've tried several different versions of ginger beer and found coopers to be the closest to the real thing...

after all the ginger beer threads recently, my next one will be the real thing......and i'm excited

I dont know how do described it but i guess it smells rotten

I cracked open another and it was fine!

So im guessing the bottle was not cleaned properly.. which is strange because they all got the same treatment..
I just hope the other 20odd bottles are all good!

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