Failed Lager?

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hey team,

well, yet another problem with my lager (my 1st lager mind u). recipe:

1.7kg coopers pilsner extract
500g Light DME
500g Glucose powder
1lb carapils steeped in 2L of water for 20 mins
20g +15g saaz hop pellets

Boiled up 4L of water with the DME + Glucose and boiled 20g hop pellets for 20mins. turned off heat and added 15g hops and let soak for 1min.
Strained this into fermenter, added steeped carapils and kit. topped up with tap water to 23L. Pitched yeast at 18deg C. put fermenter in cool place and let primary for 8 days at 13deg. Then as primary slowed warmed up to 18-20deg for 48 hours (diacetyl rest). racked to secondary and cooled slowly back down to 13 deg.

Ok so when i racked to secondary i note that the 'scum ring' in the primary fermenert was very dense at the top a 'trace ring/cylinder' continued down the walls of the fermeneter. looked sorta like the fermenter had a rash of this gunk running down the sides. Took an SG = 1010. drank a bit and it tasted like poo. Very alcoholic tasting (OG-1040), a bit of acetaldehyde and very bitter...

Whats wrong? any suggestions?

You did boil the steeped carapils liquid after removing the grain didn't you ?
Gotta ask why you added Glucose powder, that's pretty much straight sugar, not that it should have caused these sort of dramas. What yeast did you use ?
You did boil the steeped carapils liquid after removing the grain didn't you ?
Gotta ask why you added Glucose powder, that's pretty much straight sugar, not that it should have caused these sort of dramas. What yeast did you use ?

hi mika...

yep, boiled the steeped carapils liquid... i added glucose coz i ran out of LDME which i tought i had plenty of.
Used saflager yeast (dry sprinkled to wort).
The water is really hard and completely the opposite composition of that used in pilsner brewing.
Water shouldn't be an issue. Can't really understand why it's tasting bitter or got an apple taste to it. The temps are on the high side for a Lager, but shouldn't be that bad. What SG was the brew at before the secondary. 8 days seems a little fast for a lager yeast to have done it's job, I usually have to wait for almost 14days at 10degs on a 1050 beer.
Maybe the temp was raised a bit too soon ?

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