Extreme Bitterness, Have I Created Poison?

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measured this arvo at about 20C both barls and Me meaured it. I used my hydrometer and he used his refractometer or W/E it is called.
I am unsure if their was malt in the tap but I have oppened the tap 3 or 4 times since I filled the cube.
the only thing i can come up with is the settling of different layers with the strongest at the bottom
Did you add the same weight of dried malt as you would have of liquid malt? Reason for asking is that dried malt has a higher extract potential per weight than liquid, due to the water content... So if you added the same amount of dried as you would have of liquid, then you will end up with a higher OG...
No Fantoman as stated I corrected for the use of dry. 1.2 per 1.5 of liquid.

It must be barls. I will give the thing a little bit of a shake tomorrow and see what i come up with.
No Fantoman as stated I corrected for the use of dry. 1.2 per 1.5 of liquid.

It must be barls. I will give the thing a little bit of a shake tomorrow and see what i come up with.

Ahhh, must have missed that! Dunno then! :blink:
I Used 2.4 Kg of DME in replacement of the 3kg of LME. Actually to match the OG in the recipe I had to add 2.5 kg according to ians spreadsheet so an extra 100grams more then the usual convertion rate.

And thats Awesome thanks for the Doc foles.