Extract Hefe Weissbier Recipe

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I'd agree with the advice to drop the Carawheat and Carahell back. A Hefeweizen is meant to be a refreshing crisp beer. Too much of the Cara grains will make it too sweet, particularly given there's not the IBUs to balance the sweetness.
Although I brew AG, my hefes are brewed 50/50 wheat/pils, with just 100 gr Carahell. That's it.
It's what I would go with, 100 gr total of either of your two choices.

Thanks Warra,
Looks like 100g is the go then.
I think I'll get a bag of each grain and assess which one to use after I get a look and a little taste of it. It's only $2.50 a bag and it wont go to waste. From the sound of it the Carahell goes well in Pale Ales and I could use the Melanoidin in a Red Ale or whatever takes my fancy.
Got this baby in today, everything went very smoothly and I hope this will be reflected in the resulting beer. Well, apart from my big spoon snapping off into my wort while I was stirring the wort in the fermenter. I had to fish it out and I hope this didn't compromise my sanitation. My fingertips were sanitised which was all that entered the brew so I'm optimistic.
This will be the lightest in colour brew I have done so far and I'm very happy with the colouring shown in my new hydrometer sample jar.
I have to give some credit to the staff at CraftBrewer. I put the order for my ingredients through after midnight on Friday morning. The parcel was sitting on my doorstep Monday morning all very well packaged and now the contents are fermenting, soon to be beer. More convenient than having a half-decent brewshop in the nearby city, probably fresher ingredients and a whole world of stocked items to choose from. We are truely lucky as brewers to have this resource available to us, my thanks to the doods at CB.

I ended up putting 150g of Carahell in this recipe for spec. grain and pitched my starter at 18 degrees C where she will be staying for 2 weeks.
The Sapphire hops had a quite subtle aroma and I think will compliment this brew well.

I'm gonna call this brew Frushlingsfast Weissbier. Hopefully I'll be enjoying it in a month and others will be able to replicate it from the recipeDB when/if it goes in.
I'm gonna call this brew Frushlingsfast Weissbier.

Make that FrushlingsFART Weissbier.
I dunno where it all went wrong but everything was fine, then 2 days into ferment nothing but a shitload of rotten eggs.
Bugga the bloody wheat beers and 3638.
Make that FrushlingsFART Weissbier.
I dunno where it all went wrong but everything was fine, then 2 days into ferment nothing but a shitload of rotten eggs.
Bugga the bloody wheat beers and 3638.

Oh noes did you ruin it fishing your spoon out? or is that the way it's supposed to smell?

Also: hows the snow in tassy? :D
I don't think it's infected.
10 days in the primary and I can hardly detect the fart smell now but I haven't took a sample to whiff properly yet.
I'm starting to think it may be advisable to rack this beer into a secondary vessel to purge any off flavours from the rotten egg yeast and clear it up as much as possible. A Kristall Weissbier of sorts.

Many questions are before me,

Do I crash-chill it before racking, I have read one source that tells me to drop the temp to around 8 degrees to get some yeast from suspension before racking then let it warm in secondary.

Do I rack it onto a sugar solution in the primary so there is some secondary fermentation to purge off flavours?

How long should I wait before racking to secondary?

How long should I leave it in secondary?

How long should I cold crash in secondary, if at all?

Will there be enough yeast for carbonation?

Is any of it worthwhile, should I just let it sit out in primary for another 4 days then cold crash for a few more, hoping the fart doesn't make it into my bottles?

It goes on.........

The snow was magical, we had a good drop and some real extreme weather, u gotta love it here.
Finally cracked and took a sample.
Smells like a hefe to me, not too bad.
Finished nicely too, something around 1.010 by the looks of it.
I reckon I'll cold crash for a couple of days after 2 weeks in the primary to get a little bit of the yeast out of suspension.

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