Extract Aussie Lager

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Hi All,
I am very soon to acquire a brewing fridge and consequently a fridgemate, so am keen to get involved in lagers. Would love some advice on this extract recipe:

1.5kg LLME (Coopers)
500g LDME
100g DWheatME
250g Carapils
PoR bittered to 24 Ibus at 60 mins
10g Hallertau MF at 20 mins

s-23 at 10*C

Im wondering whether i should use the carapils, or use dextrose (alcohol around 4.5%). Also wondering what aroma hop i should go with? Hallertau springs to mind but I also have some hersbrucker

Will around 24 IBUs (wihtout the additional IBU from the flavour addition) balance that amount of malt?

Thanks all
Use the carapils and ditch the dex. Not that exerienced yet that I can advise on the hops so i will let someone else advise on that and watch and see.
When doing a kits n bits lager I have found that Coopers liquid malt extract can end up quite dark if bought from a LHBS where it may have been sitting for months. I have done several brews now using a Morgans Canadian Light as the base goo rather than LME. This doesn't give much base bittering but is very pale and can be overlaid with your chosen additions. The first one I did was a Morgans, 1kg LDME, 300g carapils, 20g Tettnang in the boil and dry hopped with Tettnang and a Saflager S23 and it turned out excellent with only two gripes on my part:

It could be a bit more alcoholic and for the next lager brew I upped the LDME to 1.5kg.

It wasn't hoppy enough so I used three Perle plugs in the boil, two German Saaz plugs for 20 mins and one Saaz plug at 5 mins and it turned out brilliant all round. I'm not sure what the IBU would have been because I don't know how to calculate what the plugs are doing (I was using up some odds and ends of plugs and just use loose flowers nowadays).

For future brews doing a partial mash I have switched to Green Bullet for bittering and Saaz for finishing but still love that Canadian as a basic goo.
increase the ldm to 1kg, and this will give 1040 in 23L. Up the IBU to 28 + flavour addition.

my 2c

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