English Brewers Yeast

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i was in the chemist and found and bought a 500 grams of english brewers yeast. does anyone know anything about it. it was only 9 to 10 bucks for half-a-kilo. it doesn't have anything on it about adding it gto a brew just great to add in creals and juice drinks.

pretty amazing what you can find in a chemist. i went to chemist wharehouse.
I presume it is granulated like packet yeast. So what does it say it is used for.?

Try a brew with it then let us know what it is like.

Vegemite Marmite and the like are all yeast by products so who knows what is in the stuff you got. Beer you can spread on toast and salty as hell gives you heart attacks. :p
- the brand name is Soland

- itis called English Brewers Yeast

- best before date is 11/05/12

-classed as a nutritional, non-bakibng yeast.

Yest with added thiamin (bi) and riboflavin (b2)

suggestion in adding one tablespoon of yeast into a glass and add water or your faverite juice.

But what i noticed right away was that it was called english Brewers yeaST. very annoying to have a product called this but not actual say good for brewing.
So its dead yeast, vegemite without the salt?

You wouldn't want to eat living yeast anyway, it absorbs nutrients from your body apparently, not to mention the gas problems.
If its dead yeast, or yeast hulls, you can use it as a yeast-nutrient in your beer.
Brewers yeast like that are sold in chemists, health food stores etc because of the rich vitamin B complex in it, along with other health benefits (all of which us home brewers enjoy!)

Not for brewing.

If its dead yeast, or yeast hulls, you can use it as a yeast-nutrient in your beer.

Even if it's not dead. Throw some into the boil to kill it off. Whenever I do a kit brew that's what I do with the yeast that comes with the kit. Tried a side by side test once. It has a noticeable effect on lag time.

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