Eco Kegs Soon To Be Available To Hbrs

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tommy cooper

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hi all just been talking with the eco keg people and eco kegs for us will be available soon through a brew shop

at around 70 bucks each
spare bladders and valves also will be available

30 lrts and 50ltrs i beleive i am getting one to test and i cant wait.should be here next week and i have got a batch ready to go in it for the test .

tc :beerbang: :party:

Isn't an eco keg just a different size commercial keg, but with rubberised top/bottom like a corny? I know a lot of micros in the EU use that style of keg.

What type of coupler do they use?
would love more info on the product TC as 70 bucks for a 30 ltr keg sounds pretty good

No these are the Australian made ones and they are plastic barrels with a special bladder in side .
they come with standard au pub connects (cud coopers ect)
spare bladder available each time but we are testing to see there longjeverty and reuse potential .
i will be the resaler for them .
yes 70 bucks is a guesstamate price but thats would be the max for them depending on our frieght cost when they come in stock.
i am working with the eco manufactures at the moment to sort out there potenual for us being home keggers but from what i have read and talked about so far they seem to be the perfect alternative for the job and the price also reflects a great oppertunity convert i am so excited about it i will keep you all imformed as to the progress i will be testing one next week when i get the delivery of a test unit for hbrs.
look here these are eco kegs made in austraila
pictures will also be posted .
also we are working with an australian company in making an aussie equivillent to the Hambleton bard pressure barrels so that would mean no more worries about party kegs or despencing from cubes.
if you are wondering what these are go here.
here is some porn as well



Last thing I heard was retaill 30L $36.95 + GST...

also we are working with an australian company in making an aussie equivillent to the Hambleton bard pressure barrels so that would mean no more worries about party kegs or despencing from cubes.
if you are wondering what these are go here.
here is some porn as well


You've just saved Wortgames a month of Sundays!!

Interested to know more about the ecokegs. "From one bladder to another" :lol:
Interesting stuff TC.

The 'bladder' is news to me - I thought the ecokegs had a 30L PET bottle inside a plastic case the same size as a 50L stainless keg?

Last thing I heard was retaill 30L $36.95 + GST...


Wonder what brewshop this is that will be selling them for ~$70? :unsure:
:lol: hah we'll get MacGyver onto that mystery
I agree. Nothing like stainless.

I presume these "eco-kegs" Funny about the name as they are plastic disposable items, are second hand?


Rather confusing considering Schaefer make "ECO Kegs" too which are completely different.

I don't see how these offer much of a benefit compared to cornies though?

The pressure barrels however seem cool. I've considered ordering one in the past from the UK (along with some polypins) but the postage cost was prohibitive.
Rather confusing considering Schaefer make "ECO Kegs" too which are completely different.

I don't see how these offer much of a benefit compared to cornies though?

The pressure barrels however seem cool. I've considered ordering one in the past from the UK (along with some polypins) but the postage cost was prohibitive.

Yeah , obviously they represent a cost saving to the big breweries that export, and therefore drastically effect their bottom line.
But unless they were substantially cheaper than cornies, whats the attraction for home brewers?
36.dollars plus gst is the wholesale price with pet bladder yes the pet insert is called a bladder.
36 dollars plus gst is the bear keg no bladder as there is 4 different inserts with differt conects the insert would last as long as pet bottels and if you soak them in between brews with a mild detergent and then rinsed there is no reason why they won,t go the distance .
yes they are different from the yank tanks being that there is no s/s parts like those ones. they do come in 30 0r 50 ltr. thepet bladders are thicker than pet bottels parsay so they should last and replacement bladder are a sinch to replace and cheap enough .
yes i agree cornies are a better option but eventuall cornies as we all know will run out. they are using this style of keg in the uk as well as an option along with pressure barrels whitch by the way are fantastic as well.
but i was only pointing out that there are legal alturnatives out there i didn,t think i would be knocked for it. constructive critisisum yes but it seems a few just slam everthing rather than looking at the big picture.
hey guys open minds creat a better world for conceptions of greater ideas .
i know sweet bugger all about kegs as i don't own any, but will these eco kegs be interchangable with the normal/cornie keg parts? taps/disconnects that sort of thing?

how about some pics TC?

36.dollars plus gst is the wholesale price with pet bladder yes the pet insert is called a bladder.
36 dollars plus gst is the bear keg no bladder as there is 4 different inserts with differt conects the insert would last as long as pet bottels and if you soak them in between brews with a mild detergent and then rinsed there is no reason why they won,t go the distance .
yes they are different from the yank tanks being that there is no s/s parts like those ones. they do come in 30 0r 50 ltr. thepet bladders are thicker than pet bottels parsay so they should last and replacement bladder are a sinch to replace and cheap enough .
yes i agree cornies are a better option but eventuall cornies as we all know will run out. they are using this style of keg in the uk as well as an option along with pressure barrels whitch by the way are fantastic as well.
but i was only pointing out that there are legal alturnatives out there i didn,t think i would be knocked for it. constructive critisisum yes but it seems a few just slam everthing rather than looking at the big picture.
hey guys open minds creat a better world for conceptions of greater ideas .

Hi TC,

Are these the kegs in question?

$36 with or without bladder?
Velophile are you joking with that ecokeg link? AMPI plastics is just down the road from my house, i can freeking walk there, better have a closer look at these eco kegs, cheers for the link and i'll make sure to get back after i have a look in person

any questions you guys would like me to ask?

If these prove to be viable, I guess there will be many who will be re-assessing their fridge options.

Cool room, here I come!

I won't be re-considering ex post mix kegs will still be working fine LONG after my liver has failed thank you very much........although it may be a good excuse to get a coolroom I must admit....