Ebola outbreak.

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
Reaction score
Things are starting to look nasty in West Africa.

I wonder if this is the start of the long-predicted global pandemic that's going to reduce Homo Sapiens to a sustainable half a billion or so. I bet the gorillas are cheering.
Yeah, really. Who's brilliant idea was it to take the infected aid workers back to the States? That is just the stupidest **** EVER!
Never fear, If the movie 'Outbreak' taught us anything, we just need to send in the Americans.

Us No-Chillers will counter the Ebola with our Botulism.....
Bribie G said:
I bet the gorillas are cheering.
Given that gorillas get Ebola as well, I suspect there is less cheering and more lying around in pools of their own bodily fluids going on in the local gorilla population.
Dave70 said:
Gorillas are going to Schoolies week now?
Those who know me will confirm that I am not a belly laugh type of guy.

My ribs are currently aching. :lol: :lol:
Eagleburger said:
Slow news week.
Really? A virus that has a mortality rate approaching 70% and has already killed hundreds plus one of the leading ebola experts in the world is not news worthy?
Wait till it starts ravaging Nigeria, then the West will prick up its ears.

Nigeria has oil.
It's carried in sweat as well as other body fluids. Sweat! There goes the tropics. Move to a cold climate and never mix with manual labourers. Or sporty types.
JDW81 said:
Really? A virus that has a mortality rate approaching 70% and has already killed hundreds plus one of the leading ebola experts in the world is not news worthy?
It should be. But there are loads of other viruses that kill vastly more people every year. Flu kills between 3,000 to 36,000 people a year on average in the US alone per the CDC, and that only makes the news if there's a SARS type outbreak.

i'm off to drink beer which i'm sure has been proved to be an effective vaccine against all sorts of nasty stuff
Vini2ton said:
It's carried in sweat as well as other body fluids. Sweat! There goes the tropics. Move to a cold climate and never mix with manual labourers. Or sporty types.
Looks like Tassie is safe then.
Resident evil in real life would be pretty cool!
LagerBomb said:
Looks like Tassie is safe then.
Just impact families in Tassie more than anywhere else due to sharing bodily fluids
Bribie G said:
Wait till it starts ravaging Nigeria, then the West will prick up its ears.

Nigeria has oil.
All that oil with no pesky local population to get in the way? Western oil companies will be rubbing their hands with glee.

Meanwhile Nigerian princes will have a lot of dead wealthy relatives with amassed fortunes left over - all we, as important and influential as we Aussies are, with excellent credit ratings might I add - will need to do is wire some money over there to help them unlock it & get us a slice of that treasure!

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