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Depends how complicated you want the tower to be, but short answer is no, it should be simple.

Cheers SJ

How complicated can I get away with? :p haha

Nah, id be pretty happy with a simple tower like the one on EBay, I cant really imagine much more than that apart from bends and curves..
What rubber grommet? You mean one for your temp probe? Depends what the grommet's made out of, and its temperature and pressure ratings. Most cheap grommets/glands, I suspect, aren't food grade and wouldn't handle submersion without leaking.

You do realise that's a flanged element, and you therefore need a flange welded onto your mashtun?

There is a rubber seal on the heating element (see pic). Its obviously designed to work in hot water systems, I'm just wondering if rubber and boiling wort are compatible. As for the wiring of the element I was planning to earth it into the wort itself :)

There is a rubber seal on the heating element (see pic). Its obviously designed to work in hot water systems, I'm just wondering if rubber and boiling wort are compatible. As for the wiring of the element I was planning to earth it into the wort itself :)

View attachment 27269
Depends on exactly what type of rubber it is, I guess, but if it's not silicone (unlikely) you're at least even odds of getting some flavours leeching from it into the beer, particularly under boiling. I dunno what you mean by the second sentence, so I'll leave that one alone.
I know I was thinking of selling mine recently. I decided to keep it though.

What changed your mind, out of curiosity? I followed your thread regarding wanting to move over to a 3 roller mill.

I own a millmaster as well.

What changed your mind, out of curiosity? I followed your thread regarding wanting to move over to a 3 roller mill.

I own a millmaster as well.


Nothing in particular, I'm just really indecisive :) After chatting with a few people and hearing the opinions of a few people that have used a few different mills I decided that I probably wouldn't get a significant improvement (if any) moving to a MM3-2.0, and have both rollers driven is a pretty obvious advantage. Every single-roller driven mill I've seen needs a bit of attention during the crush to make sure both rollers are turning etc. Who knows what the actual outcome would have been, I'd like to have both and test them side by side lol. I'm plenty happy with what I have though really, so figured "if it aint broke...."
It's not abnormal to include ebay/paypal fees in the shipping cost. Considering that he'll probably be out of pocket after shipping.
Is it just me, or would anyone else consider $6.95 excessive for postage of an airlock and grommet?



I sell a lot of second hand crap on ebay (quality crap!), so I am an expert on this subject. My testament on this subject will be discounted by those in business to make money selling lots of small value items with a contract for packing and postage out of countries like China (where it is ridiculously cheap), but without fear, I will tell you how it is at Australia Post when it comes to postage in Australia on a small scale or with single items sold in low quantities:

First - this item is thicker than a large letter @ 20 mm, so it is now a Parcel. Minimum cost to send a parcel is IIRC $4.50.

Secondly, there is the matter of supplying packaging for this fragile plastic item, that will protect it from crushing when it is first item (on the bottom) into the Aus Post steel cage with up to 500 KGs of other parcel on top of it in the back of a semi trailer travelling interstate on Aussie roads.

Thirdly, there is the time it takes to "parcel" this item, address it, take it to the post office and wait in line to be served on arrival!

Finally, is it asking too much to expect a seller to be a Charity when dealing with buyers wanting a refund when such a low value item arrives dammaged and how Aus Post wont cover damage because the buyer wont pay the insurance for such a low value item?

SO, Is $6.95 too much and are you prepared to do the postal work yourself for a pidley $2.45?
Nothing in particular, I'm just really indecisive :) After chatting with a few people and hearing the opinions of a few people that have used a few different mills I decided that I probably wouldn't get a significant improvement (if any) moving to a MM3-2.0, and have both rollers driven is a pretty obvious advantage. Every single-roller driven mill I've seen needs a bit of attention during the crush to make sure both rollers are turning etc. Who knows what the actual outcome would have been, I'd like to have both and test them side by side lol. I'm plenty happy with what I have though really, so figured "if it aint broke...."
You haven't seen the Borret Mill. About 3 minutes of hand crankin' time and you've reduced 6 kg of quality malt to mash-like quality. Hand-cranked single roller, with quality bearings. no problems. my 7 yr old can mill the entire 6 kilos, given time, and get great efficiency.

On topic, there's a local seller getting rid of some brew gear.
I asked the following question:
"Have you stopped brewing?
We have a zymocenosilicaphobics support group at Medowie, and you don't have to stop if you don't want to. I'll keep bidding, either way."

Sad to see a brewer selling up. No fermentors, tho' , so he may still be brewing.
Am I a bad man from talking him out of it, once he is committed to sell up?

Seth :p
Sad to see a brewer selling up. No fermentors, tho' , so he may still be brewing.
Am I a bad man from talking him out of it, once he is committed to sell up?

Seth :p

It's your duty to brewers as a guild and mankind in general to try to keep this man brewing. He clearly is under duress and not thinking clearly. Get in there comrade and save this poor man's wretched soul if you can !