Easy To Build And Cheap Thermostat

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Looks good. Tell us more?!
What is the panel? And is that Heating and Cooling attached?
Yep, massively expensive setup there. Your controller costs $43US, STC-1000 as mentioned above, costs $16AUD and a box from Jaycar to fit the unit shouldn't have cost more than $5. $36 for the box, sorry, you got shafted


Looks nice but. Hey, if you're happy, that's all that matters

bit harsh there guys!

It looks well built - without seeing the inside?

And the specs on the controller are above the STC 1000 IE; 20 amp cooling. box would be larger than a j car one for $5.00

Lets face it all these chinese controllers are pretty cheap these days, I remember when I bought my first controller - "Dixell" brand,
was over $100 in 2004 but that same controller is still plugging away today on a 3 door drink fridge that I sold to the local pub when I moved house 3 1/2 years ago.

IMO if you consider that he is controlling his freezer and two heat pads then I recon it is a pretty good setup.

bit harsh there guys!

It looks well built - without seeing the inside?

And the specs on the controller are above the STC 1000 IE; 20 amp cooling. box would be larger than a j car one for $5.00

Lets face it all these chinese controllers are pretty cheap these days, I remember when I bought my first controller - "Dixell" brand,
was over $100 in 2004 but that same controller is still plugging away today on a 3 door drink fridge that I sold to the local pub when I moved house 3 1/2 years ago.

IMO if you consider that he is controlling his freezer and two heat pads then I recon it is a pretty good setup.


Not trying to be harsh, just sayin' is all.

20A cooling is all well and good, but what is he controlling... A freezer that MAY pull 300w (1.25A) and a couple of heat pads which pull less. Again, I stress, it is nice, however prolly unnecessary is all. The box is bigger yes, cant argue with that.

Anyway, back OT, very nice mate. Was just commenting is all.


Actually, just noticed the box is most likely metal... Is it earthed internally??
Metal !? :icon_offtopic::) Must be mad to use metal enclosure. Yes, it is possible save, we can use ice cream or take away boxes :rolleyes:
It is ABS enclosure. I compared to thermostats what you can get from brew shop ($130-160). Very easy to assemble and looks ok too.Most
important, I'm really happy with outcome. Cheers

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