Cold Crashing my saison now SG of 1.055 got down to FG1.005 6.7%ABV so looking forward to kegging this and putting the rest into half dozen flensburger swing tops I emptied last week.Im going to age these for 3 months or so.
Wait. You cut down your drinking plus limited yourself to commercial beer? Is it Lent already???TheBigD said:Usually high ABV beers can do with a bit of time to smooth them out so Im being patient with this one, lucky im on a bit of a health kick of late and cut right back on my drinking to commercial beer on week ends only, ive been busy churning out brews to fill my 6 kegs, so stocks will be at an all time high and time will be on my side as far as aging goes.
Sorry but i still have the L plates on. What does this involve?Alex.Tas said:Do a forced ferment test. That alone will tell you what your yeast can do to your wort.
I highly doubt it's finished at 1.010. I've used Belle Saison few times with extract recipes & it's always finished at 1.000. I ferment it at 26-28c. If I were you I would give the fermenter a gentle swirl for a minute & check again in a weekKiller Brew said:This beer appears to have finalised at 1010. I had been expecting it to go lower based on my reading on this yeast. Has been there for 3 days now. Is there any chance it isn't done?
Killer Brew said:Thanks. So you think it could still have a way to go. I don't rack to a secondary so should i be worried about leaving it on the slurry for much over 2 weeks?