Dud Pack Of Us-05

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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From time to time on the forum there is discussion about whether to rehydrate or just sprinkle. I've been using US-05 recently in my fake lagers and in an all extract APA-ish beer I made the other day. I had six packs of US-05 in my freezer, from a number of sources - a LHBS up the Coast, a LHBS in the Brisbane suburbs and a couple from a club evening and I have no idea which is which. I usually grab a couple of packs when I can because I always forget it when I'm doing a Craftbrewer order. Doh. All have been fridge stored AFAIK (I would assume the club guy keeps the yeasts fridged between club meetings).

I sprinkled yesterday morning at 23 degrees and was expecting to see a couple of lily pads by last night. Nothing. This morning the wort is crystal clear and no sign of any activity whatsoever so I just repitched with another packet, hopefully from a different source from the first one. However this has swung me back to rehydrating in a big way :rolleyes:

Whilst on the topic, is US-05 different to US-1056 or are these just two different codes for the same yeast? Might go that one next time for peace of mind.
did you aerate after sprinkling? I found US-05 needs a bit of a boot up the ass with a vigorous stir to get going (only from my personal experience).

US-05 and US-1056 is the same IIRC.



edit - spellink
I thought that US-05 and US-1056 were the same. The 1056 was changed to 05 due to the similarity to the Wyeast 1056, or so it goes if you believe the interweb rumors :ph34r:

I think further interweb rumors claim that US-05 is indeed the same as Wyeast 1056????

And on your initial comments, yeah i always rehydrate with dry yeast.

Cheers SJ
>I had six packs of US-05 in my freezer<

Here is your answer. Store in fridge not freezer.

>I had six packs of US-05 in my freezer<

Here is your answer. Store in fridge not freezer.

Sounds like a plan.. however I thought it was ok to keep dried yeast in the freezer - obviously you wouldn't want to put liquid yeast in there. Also yes the wort was well aerated, being an extract brew I put 15 or so litres of tapwater in with frothing.

Hops in the freezer = good
Yeast in the freezer = bad

Out of curiosity have you had sucessful brews from freezer yeast before Bribie? If so that's amazing! Might cause me to rethink what I've been told.

Wyeast 1056 = US-05, also in a bunch of repackaged forms around the place. If you're a cheapskate like me, look out for the 'Brewcellar American Ale' (Same thing). At under $5 a sachet for 15g is a ripper deal, particularly when Brewcraft are jacking theirs up to around $7 in Melb <_< .

I normally just store all my **** in the fridge in a airtight tupperware container. Seems to keep well. No problems here.
I've never rehydrated yeast and I've never had a problem. I don't aerate either. Just sprinkle on the top and leave it. US05 is the main yeast I use.

I store yeast in the fridge and hops in the freezer.

Now here's an off topic question, anyone want to do a dry yeast bulk buy or something? Does that ever get done? I'm not interested in any way in starting a science laboratory or reusing yeast or making starters or anything, I just want to buy US05 and maybe some others at cheap prices.

When I was at the Northern Rivers brewery the dude there sold be US05 (the normal little red packets) for $2.50 each. I'd love to buy a box of 10 for $25 or whatever.
For 1056 (dry), I don't reckon you could go past Craftbrewer. Twin packs for $8.50. Maybe he could do better on a BB? I'd be in for a few packs.
However this has swung me back to rehydrating in a big way :rolleyes:

Lots of posts from brewers who have learnt from the same experience Bribie. But learning from your own mistake seems to stick better eh :lol:

For 1056 (dry), I don't reckon you could go past Craftbrewer. Twin packs for $8.50. Maybe he could do better on a BB? I'd be in for a few packs.

Like I said I got packs for $2.50 each wich does beat $8.50 for a twin pack.

Ross does do 500gm for about $100 of US05.

But like I said I'd rather 10 packs for $25 or 20 packs for $50.

That said that's about the same price as Ross' bulk amount, but I'm wondering does it mean that you just get 500gm of yeast in a single pack or not?
I'd be in for a bulk of '05 for sure. Sounds like a good idea.

Yeah, fridge the yeasties...I've had great success with even average stuff like Coopers kit yeasts that were 2 years old just from keeping them in a dish in the fridge. I tend to kick them off with a very weak malt/water solution and haven't had a bad result from a stored yeast yet.

Cheers - boingk
Ross does do 500gm for about $100 of US05.


I'm wondering does it mean that you just get 500gm of yeast in a single pack or not?
I think you'd be safe in assuming it does. Fermentis offers yeast in up to 10kg packs IIRC, for breweries to start off and the like.

Cheers - boingk
although us-05 and wyeast 1056 are alledged to be the same strain i have found us-05 is slightly less clean but floccs better when cced.
I had the same experience a few brews back with US05.
Wouldn't fire up, even after rehydrating.
Ended up pitching a pack of Nottingham instead.
Beer still tastes mighty fine, even if I say so myself.
Just got in from work and it's firing away after only 10 hours. Whenever I buy a twin pack from CB I always put the other half in the freezer and it keeps just fine. About end of July an AHB member sent me 2 1/2 repacks of Nottingham that he wasn't going to use and I put them in the freezer. I thawed one out ten days ago and pitched it (sprinkled) in my headbanger toucan 9% stout and it fired up as normal and chewed its way through the brew in only a week, bottling tomorrow. I've got the other half of a Swiss S-189 in the freezer at the moment that I'm going to try and make a big starter out of for a brew early in the week (an Aus Standard Lager) so let's see how that goes :icon_cheers:
I have a slight feeling that it is ok for dried yeast to be in the freezer. There are two reasons for this though. 1. The dried yeast you get for baking says on the packet to keep it in the fridge or freezer. 2. The reason I am led to believe why you can't freeze liquid yeast is because the water that freezes breaks the cell walls of the yeast. You can freeze liquid yeast buy you need to do it with glycol (IIRC). If there is no water, then there shouldn't be a problem.

In saying all this, I keep my dry yeast with my liquid yeast in a single container...in the fridge.
