Ducking Sulfur

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citizensnips said:
Appreciate the suggestion however I barely understand amps let alone dangling electric copper in in steel keg, think I'll stick to more basic approaches. Nonetheless appreciate the suggestion, cheers
OK, you could try this which is simple if you have the equipment: oxygen (or air but oxygen is more betterer) with a sterile gas filter, line and sinter plus a spare keg.

You said it's a hefe, so you have yeast lees in the keg. Decant the beer off the lees into a spare keg. Drop the sinter into the lees and bubble oxygen through. It will stink, then eventually the stink will lift. However long that takes, keep the oxygen going for that long again. Pull the sinter out and then leave the lees sit for a day. If they still smell sweet, tip them back into the beer in the spare keg, mix well and allow to settle out again.

Basically this works because it's close to impossible to oxidise yeast and a yeast culture has an astonishing surface area. Purging the lees with oxygen seems to clean up the surface of the yeast which then absorbs much of the stink when put back whence it came.
Lyrebird_Cycles said:
Basically this works because it's close to impossible to oxidise yeast and a yeast culture has an astonishing surface area. Purging the lees with oxygen seems to clean up the surface of the yeast which then absorbs much of the stink when put back whence it came.
Thinking about it, I'm not sure that the above is true. There has to be some involvement from the oxygen raising the ORP, sulphide being a reduced form. Dr Smurto, is there recent research on this?