I must say, I really like how keen everyone is to help out on this forum. Thanks for all the discussion!
Re the FG - it was 1.010, bang on my expected.
There are a few ideas on here I can try, and I can use that recipe to see how it goes. Maybe make it a split batch next few times and try time/amount/timing/etc
The reason I do a 4 day dry hop was because I was getting those grassy flavours with a longer period. It literally had notes of tasting like chewing on grass. This is different though. It is that pungent, chewy flavour, maybe some bitterness (but that is not the word, and its not astringency), like munching on the hop pellet. I did four days so that I had 2 days of dry hop at the warmer temps, then straight into cold crash for clarity and to drop the hop material out. I often taste brews on the way through so I can understand what's going on - I've picked up this flavour from after a single day. Part of why I do the testing is so that I can also make adjustments on the fly. I found out that dry hopping with nelson sauvin tastes like burnt rubber to me, so was able to pull it out of a previous batch before it totally ruined it (when I was using hop socks)