Dry Hopping Advice

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Hi guys,

Bottled a JSGA clone over the weekend using the NT brewing fresh wort kit and dry hopped 18g amarillo 4 days before bottling. Just looking for a little advice on the dry-hopping thing, as when I did my last hydro tastings and at bottling, I could still really taste the 'green' plant-like taste in the brew. The hops were right there on the front of the palate, but there was definitely an aftertaste. I assume that this will mellow after time in the bottle, but what is the cause of this - did I add too much, or too late etc?

Thanks guys - as always, the wisdom is appreciated.

IMHO 4 days is fine for dry hopping. Longer than a week and you can get those grassy vegetal type flavours.

18g seesm like a fine amount, i wouldn't think that was too much. Give it a little time in the bottle and see how it goes.

:icon_cheers: SJ
Surely it depends on the hop doesnt it?

I just dry hopped Cascade flowers for a week in secondary fermenter, and the result tastes fabulous (for a K&B).

It may not be so fine with Amarillo or other more floral hops though, although I have dry-hopped Amarillo (pellets) for 4 or 5 days I think with good results.

In any case, most flavours/aromas tend to reduce a bit/mellow out with time in the bottle/keg.

I found with mine the flavour did mellow but never went away i used Hallertaurer hops i only use 10 grms and it has kind of turned me off dry hopping for now but i will give it a go later