drunken injuries!:-!

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Today a workmate was telling me about how the last time he was out on the town, for another workmates going away drinks, and it ended up with him waking up in the hospital with a split nose. He couldn't rember anything.

This reminded me of when I was 18 and went to stradbtoke island for new years with a couple of mates, was always going to be messy as we each bought a bottle of Smirnoff to drink. I necked mybottle and was doing backflips off the amity point jetty on the stroke of midnight, fun times! Because I am a good friend I helped one of my friends finish his bottle too :) The next thing I know I am waking up outside my tent the next day with gravel rash all up one side of my face, apparantly I was walking back to my tent when I passed out while walking and face planted the gravel road, funtimes!

That was not the only time I have been that drunk but they are stories for another time!!

Post your drunken injuriy stories so I don't feel so bad about mine.
I don't drink spritis anymore after falling in the campfire after drinking a half bottle of Apple Pie on top of my beer quota.



This was seriuosly aching by the time we'd packed up the next day at mid morning and made the drive home with one hand pretty difficult.

There's some dispute over the next one, i say my mate was not driving to the sharp 2.5m conditions off shore when he hit a hollow one and we dropped like a stone to land hard while i was hanging onto the hard top.
He insists it was soley cause of the half dozen beers i'd had during an afternoon of Spanish Mackeral action..


Ouchies, Punkin that looks nasty.

I went to Dallas with 10 mates...
36 Hours after travelling we unloaded into a nightclub where one of our mates had purchased a private VIP area with a crate of 1L vodka's and some bottles of Moet.
Waking up strapped tight with a CT machine thumping around your head is hell scaryb - thank god i passed out 10 seconds later..
Ended up with staples holding my skalp together.
Worst for me was falling through a glass house whilst taking a piss out the back in the dark. Head went through 3 panes. Lots of blood, but head wounds and alcohol can have that effect.
I twisted my knee falling into and out of a hedge
Punkin, put that pic of your fingers straight into the smoking meat thread! Yummo. What kind of wood did you use :D

To add to the thread- When we were 18 or so and camping up the bush, a mate thought it would we fun if he 'helped' me go over the edge of a ten foot bridge into freezing water. It was more of hurt pride as everyone had to watch me standing in my jocks all night drying my clothes by the fire. There were girls there...it was winter...it was cold...

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Campfire for me. Must have been about 3am and just me and a mate still up. Camping bourbons: more than 50% spirit. I went to stoke the fire and passed out, face first into the fire. Main damage was done as my face was cauterised by heated rock. I had another drink to calm the nerves and went to bed. Woke the next morning to a massive shiner and scab over cheek/eye. Worst moment was when my wife arrived the next day to see the injury. Anyway the wound largely healed, except there is a little less skin pigmentation. I am now a little more conservative with my bourbon mixes.
Wow passing out in the fire now thats a drunken injury!
jyo said:
Punkin, put that pic of your fingers straight into the smoking meat thread! Yummo. What kind of wood did you use :D

To add to the thread- When we were 18 or so and camping up the bush, a mate thought it would we fun if he 'helped' me go over the edge of a ten foot bridge into freezing water. It was more of hurt pride as everyone had to watch me standing in my jocks all night drying my clothes by the fire. There were girls there...it was winter...it was cold...

it was winter...it was cold...

wonder if electro therapy can remove that image from my mind.
Dam you.
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I'm forever psychologically scarred from that little paper cut I sustained at work. Forced me to retire from work.

Never been drunk enough to sustain an alcohol related injury.
Gryphon Brewing said:
it was winter...it was cold... wonder if electro therapy can remove that image from my mind.Dam you.
Aren't you glad you know him that intimately.
I used to play in a band, well several actually over about a 20 year period. One night about 15 years ago, we pulled up outside a gig, it was an upstairs gig with the stairs on the outside of the hall, and it was a wet night. It was a freebie for our drummers niece, food and piss provided. They had a DJ as well, so we were only going to play the first set for free, and the DJ would take over from there.

As we pulled up outside, I said to the guys "Someone is going to take a dive down those steps tonight", little did I know that someone would be me. I was actually quite sober, well soberish, certainly not pissed. Anyway, I lost my footing on the way down and toppled over to bury my face in the rails at the bottom of the stairs. Broken nose, black eyes, and split my chin open...blood everywhere. I was out cold. Luckily, I wasn't carrying an amp or PA speaker, that would have been a bloody mess!

Spent 4 hours in the hospital waiting to get stitched up. When I finally got to see a doctor, he asked how it happened, I explained how I fell down some stairs. At the end of it all, I got stitched up and sent home. I got a print out of the accident report, and in quotes was "fell down stairs", like he didn't believe my story. :lol: It did look like I'd been dealt to by a few likely lads though, so can understand the docs scepticism.

I never lived that down, was a bloody good night though. :)

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