double brew days

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manticle said:
Once did a triple brewday.
Two of three got infected.
I cried.
I'd be a combination of a blubbering mess and kicking **** round the backyard.
To top it off, SWMBO would offer no sympathy, and be asking what corners I cut for it all to go pearshaped. Cruel but true
Always do a double brew no chill with my 20L Braumeister
Have done 2 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday on 2 occasions
Did 3 one Saturday but that was a 16hr day....too much
I've done 2 brews on top of each other, mashing one while the other boils. Hectic day but worth it at the time.

Doing double size batches now so the only times I'll probably do anything like this is using the same grist, possibly split and use different yeast, dry hops, fruit etc. For instance I have a wheaty grist I'm planning to split the wort using half for a berlinerweiss (unhopped wort drained to cube) and continuing the remainder of the boil for a wildflower wit.
I double batch, and if hanging around the house for most if a Saturday do a double brew in the GF. Gets me 4 cubes, great way to get stock up...
i actually did a triple biab one day which was two of one recipe and one different all the same hops so i didn;t have to be too pedantic about overlap flavours in bag etc.
i can honestly say my concentration was shot by then to the max to the stage that i cant do it again not sober anyway lol
Bribie G said:
You mean, sober.
Coming from a trade, I find being sober helps to reduce the fuckups. (having said that, I do enjoy a few once the boil is underway).
3V Herms here, often do double days but the limiting factor is power. I need 4 x 10A elements at once (HLT, HEX, 2xKettle) but only have 2 x 10A circuits. So I have to juggle a bit. One day I'll splash out and setup a gas kettle.
I find if I setup and weigh grain (or even mill it) the night before, I can knock out two batches and clean up in about 8 hours.
Every brew day I do is a double it's so much more efficient for me. I combine the ultimate in laziness with HERMS controlling the full volume mash with no sparging (I add about the extra 300-400g of grain to counter lower efficiency). Once the first batch is in the kettle, the second one is mashing ready to go. Basically it would take me 3 hours for one batch or about 4.5 hours for two batches, I know what I'd rather be doing.
I generally do Grainfather 23 litre batch,and at same time crank up the 100 lt pot on the burner and do a 50litre BIAB , on Sat had all done and cleaned up in 8-9hrs, doing 90min boil.73 litres done and dusted.
Did a double on Sunday of 40L batches into cubes. The second brew was a mild so tried the 30 minute mash which kept the day a bit shorter.

Flame out just before kick off and into cubes at half time. Too easy!
Tried my first double on my new 3v system Saturday. It wasn't a disaster, but I would have been better off doing two seperate brews on different days. Took a lot longer in the end, especially when I got temps/volumes wrong and had to boil longer to make up for it. Spent a whole day intensely focused on brewing, instead of two mornings half-focused on brewing and being able to spend some time with my family.

Still, it's all learning so hopefully the next one won't be as bad. I can see the benefits of it, so will keep trying.
Just kegged the last 2 brews from my split which are the base brews.
1 UK stout
1 Heff

The splits where brown and porter

Still cant get the golden im after and i figured it was the Base malt in the wheat. Ive dropped the color from the wheat and stout further again to be able to achieve the Golden i want this time.

And now im almost done on my next double double day

Ive reinstated my little 60L pot along side my 90L.
Worst part is I deleted all my beersmith profiles for the 60L which means doing it from scratch. and having to adjust all the volumes as it wont quite fit a reduced double... Makes for a slightly more stressful brew day.

So far the days gone really well. Hit targets (Not that i really measure anymore)

Ive gone with an american wheat style and Amarillo

The other is an american stout with cascade
after blending them ill have a wheat, a Golden ale, Porter and a Stout

8.5 hours instead of the usualy 12-13 it takes me to knock out the same quantities.

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