Does This Extract Brew Sound Ok To You!

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G'day Guys

I want to do an extract brew this time, I was thinking something along the lines of

500ml of Honey

15g SAAZ
10g CASCADE Im just not sure on this yet, it is not set in concrete yet.

Both for 60 min

Then last 5min 5g CASCADE or in the fermenter.

I HAVE also got 20grms of Perle - 20grms of Hallatua traditional, 15grms of SAAZ, 15grms of Cascade, 10 grm of another type of Hallatua ? (cant remember)
Could anybody enlighten on what I should do with the HOP boil with the selection I have here.. (all pellet type)
Yeast is safale...S - 04

15ltr level (possibly)

I want it to be fairly strong say around %5-%6

Your thoughts on how it will go please or your recomendations..
Casey Hilton
What are you trying to create?

From my calcs, you should end up with an OG of approx. 1.062 and 20IBUs. Persoanlly I'd be shooting for higher bitterness and if you're after more of an APA style, more casacade flavour and aroma.

Perle is a great bittering hop. Mark Leatham (best of show in nationals, Powell's malts ;)) uses perle for bittering ang cascade for flavour and aroma. It's a lovely combo. Saaz is usually used as an aroma hop in pilsner beers.

I'm not an expert around these parts, but that would be my personal advice.
Thanks for the reply

The perle I have is %6 and I have only 20grms, how long would that need to be boiled for or is it just not enough.

The SAAZ is 15grm and is %3
The Hallatua is %4.5 and is 20grm
I dont know how much the cascade is but I have 15grms of it.

I dont know what Im trying to achieve, I think im really only trying to achieve a nice malty beer with some nice hop to it, DRINKABLE would be what Im looking for, lol.....

Personally I would use the entire 20g Perle 6%AA 60min which should give you around 20IBU in itself. The other hops varieties you have are traditionally used for flavour/aroma as they're low AA, but can be used for bittering.

Having never combined the hops you have, I can't comment on what the combination will yield. Finishing with cascade (all of it in my opinion and late in the boil, say 5-10 mins and at flameout) will give you an APA style beer reminiscent of SNPA and LCPA. The cascade will probably be in the 5%AA range.

Have a play around with an online recipe calculator or download Promash/Beersmith.

Let's put it this way, you'll end up with beer at the end.

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