In Beersmith go to File > Add-ons > Add > Gladfield Malts. Red Back is listed there (mind the space between - the Ingredient search won't find "Redback").
Doing a blonde for Xmas? I am too buddy! She's considering going brunette though. Re the step mash though.. mashing lower - ie lower 60s - will give you a drier beer, even in a step mash, since well modified malts tend to convert very quickly - ie in the first 20min or so. I suggest you not overcomplicate the matter, pick a mash temp and stick to it. If you want a dry beer, mash at 63, medium is 66, full is 69.. let Beersmith suggest strike temps etc depending on your mash profile.
What yeast are you using for the Blonde?
Low 20s, that's why I thought it might be a little better.Notto will do the job but it tends to attenuate a little higher - you'll get a drier beer out of it. Not a bad thing necessarily, with the coming summer.
What's the ambient temp where you are? Kolsch yeasts are ale yeasts, 18C is fine.
No worries I'll do that, was just trying to use up this big bag of pils I have! Thanks for the advice mate100g of Vienna won't help your beer. Subbing out a kg of Pils for Vienna will.
Edit- I Have a similar beer to your Blonde on tap ATM, with the Vienna upped. All Cascade. Fermented out to 1004 with Notto. Very dry, easy drinking deliciousness.
Do caterpillars hold a good level of diastatic power?up the caterpillers
200 gms Caterpillers
Yep and adds more flavourDo caterpillars hold a good level of diastatic power?
Just looked at the recipe it looks good enough to drink .Your recipe is fine SnailAle. If you want a sure thing, the best Blonde Ale I made was a shameless plagiarism of Brulosopher's Best Blonde Ale and it's very highly rated -
That's just a guide though. Do yours, it'll taste better knowing it's a SnailAle Original.
My recipe is mostly based off a variation of that, with variations based on what I can get and already have.Your recipe is fine SnailAle. If you want a sure thing, the best Blonde Ale I made was a shameless plagiarism of Brulosopher's Best Blonde Ale and it's very highly rated -
That's just a guide though. Do yours, it'll taste better knowing it's a SnailAle Original.