Does Any One In Qld Have Ag Open Days?

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Ok gius im in rocky centyral QLD and would really liek to fly down to like a clubs open day and view the full process, then buy a heap of stock grain ect and drive back (rental car)
any one do any thing liek this?

or does ross or any one know of any CQ AG brewers?

also i need a bot of a shopping list to start collecting

i have large esky 100L
i need a boiler what size id like to do double batches
mill (cheapie)

also one i put the mash into cubes to cool i sthis teh same as a fresh wort kit? just tip into fermenter and add yeast? how long will it last in cube sat room temp.

cheers guys
Ok gius im in rocky centyral QLD and would really liek to fly down to like a clubs open day and view the full process, then buy a heap of stock grain ect and drive back (rental car)
any one do any thing liek this?

or does ross or any one know of any CQ AG brewers?

also i need a bot of a shopping list to start collecting

i have large esky 100L
i need a boiler what size id like to do double batches
mill (cheapie)

also one i put the mash into cubes to cool i sthis teh same as a fresh wort kit? just tip into fermenter and add yeast? how long will it last in cube sat room temp.

cheers guys

Hey man...i'm lucky my local brew shops do some ag demo's...i've made the step to all grain after 14yrs of brewing , the last four uears as a wort kit man...with mini mash's etc....putting the hot wort into the cubes....and then sealing is...yes...your wort's a no-chill method....have alook at this thread on's cool...lots of info....
so let your cube cool ( to your desired temp..... a lager is better fermented out between 9 and 14 degress...well thats what i've read anyway lol....and an ale between 14 and 18...if you get dried yeast....if you go liquid that's a whole new ball park.... )...and then pour vigorasly into the fermenter to aerate... so that's what id do...
lol...there is so much i don't know...i just wanna make really good at home for the family and all my drunken rabble of mates ! plus pouring from a tap outta the fridge in your own house will never loose it's novelty value lol !
as a result , the ag demo has lead me onto a path of deciding to go to my local brew club ( Westgate brewers in melb ) and see stuff...and try and learn maybe a bit more,,,,hopefully i'll get there this month...
so my set up is a simple 20 litre jobby...
i've done one
I LIKE matre Pete won't...but

i can and will do better !

....( few mistakes i made on the way towards the sparge.....panicked...made the call early...undersparged,,,,boiled for an hour..........
ended up with only 9 litres in my try a really simple rercipe to start....reallly follow your temps for mashing , boiling etc...they are important....don't you'lllb fine....boil...add your hops...then into your cube..sealed and let cool to your yeast temps...

but as i sit here drinking my tad thin ( well i did boil 5 litres of water ( and cool) to add to the secondary ferment...twas really hoppy before...) ...but quite sweet caramel , turning to slight toffee , hop driven "NOT So Pale Ale"...i'm will do better...i can feel it ! )
Hope i helped...
Sorry...had two or three pints
in this melb 44 degree...2 days

so you will need....
a HLT....somewhere to boil a shit load of hot close to 75 litres,,,,so u will also need a gas ring and gas bottle
your esky can be your mash tun.....50 litres...
and a vessel to boil that sweet wort that you'll collect........also allowing for boilover heAD maybe 100 litres...allowing for dead space and grain absorbtion .
are you kegging ?
coz you'll need a wagon load of bottles if your doing double batches....
man...i'm lucky...the brew shop is 3 mins down the road....
a mill is expensive...
there are plenty of plans on here...if you search...on how to make your own...if ya can or if ya can be f'ed trying lol
Ok gius im in rocky centyral QLD and would really liek to fly down to like a clubs open day and view the full process, then buy a heap of stock grain ect and drive back (rental car)
any one do any thing liek this?

or does ross or any one know of any CQ AG brewers?

also i need a bot of a shopping list to start collecting

i have large esky 100L
i need a boiler what size id like to do double batches
mill (cheapie)

also one i put the mash into cubes to cool i sthis teh same as a fresh wort kit? just tip into fermenter and add yeast? how long will it last in cube sat room temp.

cheers guys

Hey Gros21,

just in case you cant find an actual live brew session in your vicinity, there are some people who video-cast their brew sessions live, with the ability to chat to the brewer and other viewers throughout the process. Here's a link to the AHB thread where they give the links etc to the video-cast. From what I've seen I reckon this is the nex best thing to being able ot go to a live session.

Hope it helps

Gday Gros,

Im in Gladdy myself but Ive only done 2 x AG so you wont learn much from me. But I have been told there is an award-winning AHBer in Tannum or Boyne, would like to know who he is myself with the view of sitting in on a brew day.

+1 for the brewcasts, they are great. Peteoz on here held one just a few days ago.

Couple of AGers in Bundy that'll help you out I am sure.

cheers found one reasonbly close "gladdy" hbs that sells grains for $80-125ish per sack

sure bundys closer but im think i will drive house mates ute to brissy get 10 sacks of grain and a few other supplys from ross, and take him up on his offer of a quick demo.

can my hlt be the some cotainer i boil my wort in?

yea a mills expensive but my 2 local HBS helpfull as they are just not grain people
cheers found one reasonbly close "gladdy" hbs that sells grains for $80-125ish per sack

sure bundys closer but im think i will drive house mates ute to brissy get 10 sacks of grain and a few other supplys from ross, and take him up on his offer of a quick demo.

can my hlt be the some cotainer i boil my wort in?

yea a mills expensive but my 2 local HBS helpfull as they are just not grain people

You can use the hlt for your kettle, but it would mean adjusting other areas of your set up and I think you'd find it a bit of a pain and it would add more time to your day generally.
I only have one heat source in my brewery so I have to wait until the last lot of water is heated before I start boiling but having a seperate hlt means I can drain the wort out of the mash tun into the kettle before sparging.
One thing is, although it is more convenient, you dont' have to have a hlt that holds all the water you need at once.
I have a 40L kettle, but my hlt is only good for heating 25L max.
This means that you can get a cheaper pot.
I think it is worth it in the long run to have separate pots myself, but it can be done...
cheers found one reasonbly close "gladdy" hbs that sells grains for $80-125ish per sack
Are you saying you have found a Gladdy HBS that sells grain? There is only one shop here in town and he doesnt sell grain AFAIK.
no worries what size should each be then?


For your HLT just go to Big W and they have S.S 20ltr pots for $20, that will be fine..

For your Kettle and Single Batches, you need at least a 50ltr Pot.. I use a 50ltr Keggle and there are boil-overs at times so I think 40ltr is cutting it to fine.. ;)

cheers found one reasonbly close "gladdy" hbs that sells grains for $80-125ish per sack

sure bundys closer but im think i will drive house mates ute to brissy get 10 sacks of grain and a few other supplys from ross, and take him up on his offer of a quick demo.

can my hlt be the some cotainer i boil my wort in?

yea a mills expensive but my 2 local HBS helpfull as they are just not grain people

Also, there is a Brewer 20min north of Bundaberg that does AG apparently brews alot, I think he just bought a pallet of grain himself, so it may be helpful to get in contact with him and try organise some grain(to buy????) and see a brew being done.. May be a little easier than heading all the way to Brisbane? And you can always order stuff from Ross and have it delivered via Courier..
Anyone is welcome anytime. We brew at least once a week.
Any day is Ok for us.
Offer has been extended before, and we could on-sell some grain, but not ten bags by any means. By the kilo for a few brews would be Ok.
We did buy a pallet because we use it :icon_cheers:

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