Doc's Tour Of San Diego

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Here is this arvo's drink list.


Stone Pale Ale
Quite dark in colour

Oaked Arrogant Bastard

Not a lot of oak flavour. It is there and it is very nice
Prob doesn't help that I'M having it in conjunction with a the Double Bastard

2006 Double Bastard

10% and wow
Super smooth with awesome body and nice warming notes
Very similar to the Aventius Dopplebock

Smoked Porter
Mellow smoke
No roase evident

Stone IPA

Nice low fruity IPA

Arrogant Bastard

Stil very English Strong Ale esk

Now we are talking
Solid APA


Nice but not very memorable

Old Guardian

Great Amerian Barleywine
Smooth, rich, hoppy

07 Vertical Epic
Pretty much a gingery beer.

Back Street Brewing Sage on Saison

A really good saison with hints of my saison but with lime and not as much alcohol.
Awesome summer beer.

Firestone Walker Reserver Porter
That is a great porter
Smooth creamy hint of roast

Bruery Orchard White

Very sweet on the nose
Very citrus on the palette
Vice but not special

Lightengin Kellar Kolsch

Cloudy and light and semi sweet
Really girlly

Green Flash IPA

Great citrus nose
Big piney up front flavour
Great big IPA that is stiff very drinkable

Port Brewing Old Viscosity

Smooth, dark, mellow.
Little bit of bitterness.
Good caramalisation

Victory Hop Wallop

Minimal nose
Minimal head
Here is this arvo's drink list.


Stone Pale Ale
Quite dark in colour

Oaked Arrogant Bastard

Not a lot of oak flavour. It is there and it is very nice
Prob doesn't help that I'M having it in conjunction with a the Double Bastard

2006 Double Bastard

10% and wow
Super smooth with awesome body and nice warming notes
Very similar to the Aventius Dopplebock

Smoked Porter
Mellow smoke
No roase evident

Stone IPA

Nice low fruity IPA

Arrogant Bastard

Stil very English Strong Ale esk

Now we are talking
Solid APA


Nice but not very memorable

Old Guardian

Great Amerian Barleywine
Smooth, rich, hoppy

07 Vertical Epic
Pretty much a gingery beer.

Back Street Brewing Sage on Saison

A really good saison with hints of my saison but with lime and not as much alcohol.
Awesome summer beer.

Firestone Walker Reserver Porter
That is a great porter
Smooth creamy hint of roast

Bruery Orchard White

Very sweet on the nose
Very citrus on the palette
Vice but not special

Lightengin Kellar Kolsch

Cloudy and light and semi sweet
Really girlly

Green Flash IPA

Great citrus nose
Big piney up front flavour
Great big IPA that is stiff very drinkable

Port Brewing Old Viscosity

Smooth, dark, mellow.
Little bit of bitterness.
Good caramalisation

Victory Hop Wallop

Minimal nose
Minimal head

LOL! You will be too hammered to work Doc (if that is what you are supposed to be over there for)

Work doesn't start until tomorrow arvo :beerbang:

Some more pics from Stone.

The Beer Menu.

Casks aging in their MASSIVE cooler.

A pilot batch fermenting.

Which they brew on their pilot system with is a MoreBeer Sculpture.

And the really cool taps at the bar.

Unreal Doc,

Looks like we're headed there at Christmas time to catch up with the family (it's been 10-yrs for me and I have a 1/2 dozen unmet nieces and nephews). Folks are in N San Diego - near Escondido - so sounds like Stones is a must see. The beer selection is definitely one of the things I'm looking forward to, although if I try a tasting session like yours I'm sure I'll get left behind.

Cheers, Brian

How can you remember all those beers you are drinking? :eek: You lucky sod, but you are going to miss out on a Cascade First Harvest at the HBG night tonight :lol: .
Are you going to bring any beers back?? Maybe you can buy an extra bag? :p

<snip>Went back to the hotel, for a quick kip and cleanup then off to Pizza Port (Solana Beach) website here.
Port Brewing was at the forefront of the Hoppy IPA's and Belgian Style beers in the US.
Tomme Arthur has since started up Lost Abbey which is part of the Pizza Port group I believe.
If you can still get hold of it (was available last week), Port 's 2nd Anniversary Ale is a huge DIPA with the out of balance hop kick you like. Lost Abbey is putting out some amazing stuff too... Angel's Share, Judgment Day... mmm.

I know I should be one of the last people to say this, but I am very jealous.
Have fun at Stone, and pick yerself up a bottle of Cantillon Rose de Gambrinus while you are over there. You can find it at Stone and BevMo.
Oh, and do't work too hard!
I'll second the Rose de Gambrinus.

Nice! And all three for less than a tener, I reckon.

Doc, I'd be interested to see if you pickup a burnt biscuit character in the flat tire. I almost couldn't drink it last time I was in the States.

There were a couple of batches around Nov-Dec last year which were a bit like this - in the bombers, not the stubbies. Reminded me of an overcooked Anzac...

Here is this arvo's drink list.

Bruery Orchard White
Very sweet on the nose
Very citrus on the palette
Vice but not special

Victory Hop Wallop

Minimal nose
Minimal head
Ah! I think you must have shot your palate - Bruery is the new kid in town, and the Orchard White is actually a really, really good impression of the wit style; I reckon better than Allagash White (!) Worth another go if you can find it.

And Hop Wallop... well, there is certainly a lot of malt in there, but with a fresh palate, again, the hops are very heavy handed. Also worth another crack.

Unreal Doc,

Looks like we're headed there at Christmas time to catch up with the family (it's been 10-yrs for me and I have a 1/2 dozen unmet nieces and nephews). Folks are in N San Diego - near Escondido - so sounds like Stones is a must see. The beer selection is definitely one of the things I'm looking forward to, although if I try a tasting session like yours I'm sure I'll get left behind.

Cheers, Brian
Stone, Lost Abbey, Alesmith - all in the immediate area, and all definitely worth checking out. Ballast Point also between Escondido and San Diego.

Doc - if you get a chance, take the drive down to southern SD to South Bay Drugs and Liquor. Joey loves his beer, takes care of it like it was his own and prides himself on his stock. It's also all super fresh. He's a hophead who also digs some serious lambic gear. He's currently got Hop-15 (Port's 15 types of hops bomb) and fresh Speedway Stout (Alesmith).
Nice work Doc

If only we could have more places and festivals like that in Sydney

I take it the diet is on hold for a while :p

Kabooby :)
are Stone pouring 'casks' from those belgian-esq taps...?? whats the story there.?

How can you remember all those beers you are drinking? :eek: You lucky sod, but you are going to miss out on a Cascade First Harvest at the HBG night tonight :lol: .
Are you going to bring any beers back?? Maybe you can buy an extra bag? :p


Simple. I have a blackberry that takes notes for me.

If you can still get hold of it (was available last week), Port 's 2nd Anniversary Ale is a huge DIPA with the out of balance hop kick you like. Lost Abbey is putting out some amazing stuff too... Angel's Share, Judgment Day... mmm.

Ah! I think you must have shot your palate - Bruery is the new kid in town, and the Orchard White is actually a really, really good impression of the wit style; I reckon better than Allagash White (!) Worth another go if you can find it.

And Hop Wallop... well, there is certainly a lot of malt in there, but with a fresh palate, again, the hops are very heavy handed. Also worth another crack.

Stone, Lost Abbey, Alesmith - all in the immediate area, and all definitely worth checking out. Ballast Point also between Escondido and San Diego.

Doc - if you get a chance, take the drive down to southern SD to South Bay Drugs and Liquor. Joey loves his beer, takes care of it like it was his own and prides himself on his stock. It's also all super fresh. He's a hophead who also digs some serious lambic gear. He's currently got Hop-15 (Port's 15 types of hops bomb) and fresh Speedway Stout (Alesmith).

Was down there this arvo, but didn't see this post.
Don't get me started on the types on the Mexican Border. An interesting experience indeed.

Lost Abbey aren't open on Sunday so I missed them. Did run into Tomee at the Craft Brewers Festival though.

Alesmith I'll be tasting at the Tornado on Wed I hope.

Nice work Doc

If only we could have more places and festivals like that in Sydney

I take it the diet is on hold for a while


What diet. I'm slimmer than I was when I got married.
Super fit and trim.
I can handle a week binge.

are Stone pouring 'casks' from those belgian-esq taps...?? whats the story there.?

I think they are their festival casks. They weren't pouring at the bar when I was there.

Tonight I went to the Top Gun bar (across the road from my hotel), that has all the Top Gun memorabilia from the film including Mavericks flight helmet.
Interesting place, but they do have some good beer and super spicy food.
Kansas BBQ.

Hop Head Red Ale
Mild hoppyness, red, malty

Karl Strauss Amber Lager
Can't really tell as the buffalo wings were so eff'n hot and spicy
Seemed smooth and malty

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Cutting through the spice and my tobascco infused lips.

Blue Moon Belgian Wit[/b[
Almost lie a stale wit
One that has lost its spice or never had it
Nice and cloudy though

New Belgian Fat Tire
Smooth Amber Ale. Nothing special
Don't understand what the Yanks are on about on this one.

Blue Moon Belgian Wit
Almost lie a stale wit
One that has lost its spice or never had it
Nice and cloudy though

New Belgian Fat Tire
Smooth Amber Ale. Nothing special
Don't understand what the Yanks are on about on this one.

Blue Moon has a big following here, beats the life out of me why. I've shared bottles of Celis White, Hoegaarden, and my very own HB wit with some folks who like it and they just think they have TOO MUCH flavour. It's just a bridging beer from Bud-world really.

Fat Tire is well, also kind of bland. If you've had anything remotely hoppy before it, all you get is one dimensional malt. On a fresh palate, it's not so bad - there is a bit mroe balance to it. In a sports bar, and if they don't have Shiner, I'll order one of these before a Bud/Miller/Coors. Also another bridging beer.
Off to the Toronado now.
Wish me a good evening :p :beerbang:

Have a great evening, Doc! Have a bevvy or ten for us all.
Back from the Toronado (SD).
Here are the gory details.
Unfortunately there were a number of beers that I wanted to try but they were 750ml bottles :(


Full Sail Prodigal Sun IPA
Solid IPA
I'm a bit IPA'd out
**** did I just say that ?

Uerige Sticke Alt 6.0 %

I finally get to try an authentic Alt.
I must have brewed 10 Alts but have never tasted an authentic one.
Smells like a bock
Very malty
No spicyness that I was expecting.
Not quite what I was expecting from an alt. Nice winter beer.


Heard about the on The Brewing Network recently
A Belgian dark ale
Very Belgian in flavours and very malty
Almost like a tart finish without being sour
10% with an awesome head that doesn't quit.
It is all very balanced. There is a lot going on in this beer. Very interesting and flavourful.

Avery Hop 15
15 different varieties of hops.
The aroma is awesome
Pliney plus some
Good malt backbone to support this hop bomb
Not mouth puckering but very hoppy and very good.

Lost Abbey Lost and Found
Smells malty
Sweetish with a hint of smoke
Belgian Amber with some nice toffee notes
Very drinkable

Westvleteren 12
Oh yeah baby
330 ml un -labeled
The cap is in my pocket
There is some serious hype around this beer, and I have to say it is very very drinkable and enjoyable.
A dark Belgian similar to a Schwarz without any roast with a hint of cherry.
This is such a drinkable beer, and it is very good. I'm a hop head so it isn't the top of my list, but will remain in my palette memory forever.
Last notes with the end of the bottle and the heavy yeast sediment.
What would I say if I didn't know the hype ? Good yes. Very good yes. Exceptional ? Meh

Hair of the dog Adam
Bottle conditioned but not very conditioned
Barely cabonated
Dark and malty
A good swig of caramel and a hint of smoke.
Very much like an Old English Strong.

West Coast DIPA
Meh, just another DIPA.
Hardly any head
Bitter yes
Body meh
Fav ? No

Pliny the Elder
My personal fave
Seems a little flat tonight
, but still has the buzz
Thanks Vinnie

A great evening.
A great bartender.
And got to taste Westy 12.
Top night for me :beerbang:

Back from the Toronado (SD).
Here are the gory details.
Unfortunately there were a number of beers that I wanted to try but they were 750ml bottles :(


Avery Hop 15
15 different varieties of hops.
The aroma is awesome
Pliney plus some
Good malt backbone to support this hop bomb
Not mouth puckering but very hoppy and very good.
Quite the session on some big beers!

Was this perchance the (Pizza) Port Hop 15? Didn't know Avery was making something similar (getting excited...)
How much did they charge for the Westy12?

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