Vanilla extract, not essence, is the go. Add as little or as much as you want in the keg with the bourbon. Every time I have brewed with vanilla beans I just can't get the taste out of them. Cheaper too.
Hi Dicko,
Not a great deal, only around the 20ml mark.
The vanilla extract comes from up the road from here at Daintree Vanilla
They are now one of the only growers of vanilla beans in Australia and are sold at the local markets in Port Douglas on Sunday. The grower was telling me one day that the CSIRO tested them and his vanilla has around 5 times the concentration of the beans imported which he is very pleased, so a little goes a long way. Let me know if you can't find it down your way.
I trialled extract, essence, imitation vanilla and beans for a RIS I did. I liked the beans, but the cost to get the flavour in a 19L keg is prohibitve, so I went for extract.
What brand of extract did you use?
Hi Duff,
How much extract do you tend to use per 19/L keg ?
I have tried adding it to a glass of Porter/stout in the past but find that I would need a few bottles to equal the flavour that I was getting in the glass.
And you are right essence is not good.