Rather than start up a new thread on this I thought I would append to this older thread as I had a lot of trouble finding information about the right fittings needed to make one of these
So I wanted to make something like this
I was originally trying to find all the fittings to put it together but was having trouble working out which fitting to get for the end piece where the copper tubing comes out.
While at bunnings the guy there wasn't too much help for the threaded parts but did point me towards the right bits if I solder it up (rather than screw it together). I have a small cooking butane torch I got from Aldi a few years back and it worked perfectly for soldering the bits up.
The parts for one chiller


Does need a bit of filing to allow the inner copper coil to go competely through.


18m of 12mm copper coil (enough for two chillers)
1.5m of 20mm copper pipe straight
1x copper pipe cutter
1x solder
After cutting three pieces of 20mm copper pipe it fits together like this
So the threaded connectors are the same size as a normal hose. One will go to a standard pope fitting to clip a hose to. The other will get screwed into Vinyl tubing which the copper coil will go inside.
I have been buying enough parts to build two of them and so far the cost has been $105 each but I am yet to buy the outer hose.
I'm looking at this tubing but am unure if it will hold up to the hot initial temps as things start to cool down.
Will this tubing be OK?
Finally here is my amateur soldering and the first few fittings. When I started I cut all the 20mm copper lengths at diff sizes. The second one I made a bit neater.
Anyone have any suggestions or obvious design flaws?
When I get the outer tubing I will do a full water test and let you all know how it goes. I just thought I would post the fittings I bought so others dont have as much trouble finding the right parts.