Divorce Forced Lagering

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:huh: due to marriage breakup i have had to keep my lagers lagering for longer than i expected.
i have 4 x 20+ litre containers @ 0 C. the longest being just over 3 months now.
being a newbie i'm unsure of the time frames on lagering. Are my babies going to be alright? :(
i know my kids will be ok but i'm worried about the beer :p
should i bottle asap or keep in da fridge?
liquid gold has been kept @ 0 except for one hour intransit during move but i had them packed in ice in a dead fridge.

PS sorry Mod didn't know whether to post here or in general discussion.

Just about ready to be drunk if they've been there 3 months. Hop flavour will fade with time, some people who lager the beer for a long time increase the amount of hops when brewing so that the hop flavour will last.
Other than that, they should be very clear :D
If they've been kept that cold for that long you may find them slow to carbonate in the bottle due to low yeast numbers.

I'd be tempted to bulk prime with a bit of fresh yeast to get them going.
sorry to hear about your break up charger.....

should be ok im guessing.......not sure, ive never had a brew last that long!
I would say everything sounds great BUT thats only as far as the beer is concerned as they do sound like they will be great :mellow:
With all that other stuff though i'am sure the beers could be giving some interesting names :beerbang:
They'll be fine. In fact given what's happened, they'll probably taste perfect when you get to drink them.

I think you coined it when you said:


Wife? What wife? :D
sorry to hear about the breakup charger, it's never a good thing

i'll just repeat what wortgames said and say you might want to add some extra yeast befor carbonating

Not wanting to get off topic too far. But I've just been knocked back on a car loan which sucks. Going through a similar thing to charger, and need my own set of wheels. So now I've hit whatever's in the fridge and may not make it into work tomorrow.

Will keep the head up, but it sucks when loans we have together are now affecting my ability to live on my own.

As for the beer, bottle it soon and things should be alright.
Thanks for the replies people.
re extra yeast when bulk priming, what quantity would i be looking at per 20-21lt of beer?
re faded hop level, should i try dry hopping the 2 youngest ones? ( i haven't tried dry hopping b4).
re Jayse with beer names. maybe the divorce was my own fault when prior to the break up i named my last ale brews "MOTHERS BITTER" AND "MOTHERS DARK". My crystal ball must have been on overtime that day.

Hey Josh, hang in there mate. the early days seem the worst but each new one is better that the last.
PS dont bend the elbow too hard the old brain does some silly things when it's over lubricated. Good luck with your situation.
thnx again guys
Drink it quick, before she gets half!!! :p

When I left last year I got 3 of the 4 fridges, won't be getting 75% of anything else though. <_<

Chin up Charger and Josh, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Beer will be fine.

Cheers, Andrew.
Chin up Charger and Josh, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Beer will be fine.

Cheers, Andrew.

and just my luck behind that light there'll be a big fn train... :lol:
But "on topic" any response to "how much extra yeast to add and should it be the same type as in the brew or just a little bit of whatever???
Never primed with yeast.
just use 150-160 g dextrose.
Plenty of yeast in suspension. ;)

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