Different Original S.g. From What Instructions Say.

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Hi, this is my second brew kit. It is a kit from The Brew House called Winterfest Ale. I followed all the instructions exactly how it said, but for some reason my gravity reading is off from what it calls for. It says the original gravity should be 1.040-1.050. But mine is reading at 1.061. I'm really not sure why it would be doing this, or if it's reason for too much concern.
Where are you getting your sample from? If out of the fermenter tap then you could be picking up more concentrated wort that tends to gather there early on until it dissipates into the rest of the wort. I bought a turkey baster (looks like a giant glass eyedropper) from a kitchen shop and take my samples out of the fermenter that way.
It could be one of these:

-You added some extra ingredients
-You used less water
-You didn't mix thoroughly and more extract was at the bottom where you took your sample from
-Your hydrometer is off

The third one is the most likely. If you used the right ingredients and batch size it's likely an erroneous reading due to incomplete mixing or bung hydrometer. Check your hydrometer that it reads 1.000 in room temperature water, if that's ok, just forget about it and assume your OG is around 1.040-1.050.
I bought a turkey baster and take my samples that way
Pure genius! Definitely a bit of gear I'm going to get.

Thanks for that one BribieG.

- boingk
I'm using a sampling thief, and drawing the sample from the top of the wort. The instructions called for 8L of room temp water, and then when i poured the wort in, it brought it up to 23L. I followed these instructions exactly. So i'm not sure about the lack of water.
One thing that was supplied with the kit was a package of something they referred to as a "PH adjuster", and they said to add it first before the water or wort. Do you think maybe this could change the gravity? And as for stirring, it said to stir vigorously for 1 minute, and i did that, so i'm really not sure why the reading might be off. Also, with my hydrometer, for room temp. water it reads 1.000

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