10.5 g bentonite
Are they the little cup thingies you put in before the tirage cap? I saw some condomy like things in an american winemaking book that you used in place of a bidule and cap, so once you have riddled the bottle you just fold the condom bit over and the yeast stays trapped but finding a source has come up zilch. I will scan a pic to illustrate what I am talking about as a Deus like beer has been on my things to do list for a while now.Try and source some, Bidules as well
i was wondering is it really necessay to remove all the yeast? does this give a distinctive flavour profile to the beer or just makes it clear?
The yeast frangers look like this and get held down with a wire cage, but there does not seem to be much information around about them.I wonder if a yeast franger would be on tight enough to hold the pressure
Both.Can anyone tlel me if Deus Brut flanders tastes like beer or tastes like champagn?
Im interesting in buying some if it has a beer taste...