Defining Moments In Ahb History

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Pumpy's Brewery.
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My suggestions for some of thoses defining moments that have changed the way many Australian Home brewers brew are :-

The Hopsock Inspired by Tonys filter bags Rosses 'Hopsock' was borne .

The No Chiller method Ray Mills idea in Ducati Stus post Natural Borne Chillers .

There must be heaps more .............

Pumpy :)
every Pumpy Poll - can't get enough :D
Change it into a Poll!
What about the Thermo control bulk buys? Inspiring many-a-brewer to get decent, cheap fermentation control.
I think there was the moment about 6 months ago when almost everyone decided to go all-grain or partial :)

Not sure if it was an exact moment, but quite a few people (including myself) seemed to convert over the course of the winter.
I think BIAB is worth a mention.

It has dropped the AG entry point to a single vessel and pretty much obsoleted full-boil extract in the process.
Finally getting some AHB gear (caps and stubbie holders) then the logo changed!
The defining moment for me was having our bulk buy hops blocked by an unhappy retailer. Decided to do something about it & CraftBrewer was born. The tremendous support for this venture has seen it grow very rapidly into a full time business.

Cheers & thanks AHB... Ross... :beer:
The piss-syd gathering back in early 2003. Was the first of many AHB meets.
Yep...Natural Born Chillers certainly did change the world....... :ph34r:

But Pumpys ."gravell" sparge method made me a firm beleiver in the false bottom... :p
The piss-syd gathering back in early 2003. Was the first of many AHB meets.

Where Kook flew back to Perth with a converted vessel as check in luggage :p

I think the most defining moment in changing AHB was the introduction of the "chat" feature.
It provided the more personal contact amongst the brewers and encouraged more impromptu and less organised get togethers which has added to the social interreaction.
I personally dont use the feature as often as I should or could, mainly because I am a slow typist and not that familiar with protocol on that media.
Prior to chat the forum itself was more of a "say it as it is happening" in each topic. ( a bit like Grumpy's)
I dont think the forum would survive if we all went back to that previous style with the number of members we have today.
Cheers and let the AHB grow
How about Pat's "essay in every post" style. :)

But yeah, BIAB lowered the bar enough for me and a few others to make the jump to AG.

K&K brewers are now an endangered species around here?
Hang about,

I reckon I see the NEXT development.......BIAB using Pumpys gravel mash bed to be a winner!!!!

K&K brewers will never be an endangered species around here...they're know as newbies. If they stop; we're doing something wrong!

For me personally, the moment was when I was lurking on a few other brewboards and didnt feel I was up to par to post, the I got a couple of PMs to check out this new forum, for Aussies specifically(did I mention that I had to walk 5 miles in the snow to get to it too??!?! ;) )

The pis-syd weekend was a blast, but the Sydney Pub crawl took it to another level!!
The introduction of AHB forums and others, the legalising of home brewing, liquid yeasts, o/s malts, Ausbeer in the past, good HBS, increasing Aussie miccro beers giving people a taste of good beer, melanoidan malt :D .
Getting our own glassware :D

When Peter from Wagga joined and joined and joined......

All in jest :p

Yep...Natural Born Chillers certainly did change the world....... :ph34r:

But Pumpys ."gravell" sparge method made me a firm beleiver in the false bottom... :p

Ok Guys I may have been a bit naive about filtering with the gravel in those early brewing days.

but if you dont post ideas,
you dont make mistakes,
you dont inspire others .

Pumpy ;)
The introduction of the 'March pump' could be regarded as a defining moment prior to then we were gravity fed or a washing machine pump if we lucky .

pumpy :)

Getting our own glassware :D

When Peter from Wagga joined and joined and joined......

All in jest :p


MMM how about the changes that the moderators advised us of the rules governing how act and how we play together.


I remember when there were far fewer here, and every post was a defining moment :lol:

Mind you some of the first 201 or so entrants have proved to be stellar participants :p

