Czech Pilsner And Saaz Hops

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I'm about to put down a Czech Pilsner (Brewcraft Czech Pilsner Kit, Brewcraft Enhancer #62, 250g dextrose, 2 x S-23 yeast + Saaz hops, cold ferment in fridge at about 12 degrees).

My question is: I am planning on using loose hop pellets for the first time. The other times I've just used hops bag. I was thinking of going 50/50, ie: boiling 20g for 15 mins and steeping another 15g for a further 15 mins.

Any thoughts on this?

Cheers all.
Personally I would go for boiling half of them as suggested, in a pan with some water and some of the dextrose, to help flavour extraction, however the other half I would just chuck into the fermenter after the initial krausen has gone down or after four or five days. (putting them in too early they tend to get smeared around the sides of the fermenter in a green ring and you really want them in the beer itself, the hop material will settle out with the rest of the trub nicely)
Pardon my feeble experience, but can you please break down for me Bribie what you mean by your last and how I'd go about this?
Thanks mate.
Ok, just take a medium pan and boil half of the hop pellets with maybe a litre of water with some of the dex.. about 100g. Then tip the whole thing in the fermenter at the same time as the kit and other bits.

After about five days, chuck the other half of the hop pellets straight into the fermenter where they will disintegrate into the beer and release aroma compounds.
